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Cash Drawer Open using No Sale or Key

August 21, 2024


How to access the cash drawer without making a sale

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The cash drawer will open automatically when you make a sale; however, you may need to open a cash drawer without entering a sale.  You can open a cash drawer manually by using the No Sale function or using the cash drawer key.

You can only use No Sale if there are no items on the ticket.

Open using a No Sale

You can use the cash drawer key or use the No Sale function to open the drawer.

To perform a no sale

  1. In the POS app slide out menu, tap No Sale located under the Drawer section.
  2. The cash drawer will open.
  3. Close the cash drawer to return to the ticket screen.

Open using the cash drawer key

  • The key lock provides three functions: manual open, electrically online, and locked closed/open.
  • The key may be removed in the 12 o’clock (electrically online), or 3 o’clock (locked closed/open) positions.
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