Inventory Management Basics in Essentials Solutions
Watch a video on how to set up and manage your inventory in Essentials Solution
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Watch the video:
- Keeping track of inventory
- can be a challenge for any business owner.
- With Bank of America Essential Solutions,
- you can track and manage your inventory easily and efficiently.
- In this video, you'll learn how
- to add inventory categories and departments.
- Add items to your inventory.
- Add, edit, and remove a modifier item in a group.
- Add or remove store specific items for multiple stores
- and how to monitor and manage inventory.
- To begin, go to
- Then log in to Bank of America Essentials Solution Back Office.
- To create categories, select the "Inventory" tab
- on the top menu bar on the home screen.
- Then select the "Categories and Items" sub tab.
- On the far left, click on "Add a Category"
- and a new window will appear.
- First, enter the name of the category you will create.
- Next, use the drop down menu to select a department
- for your new category.
- Then choose the option to select either "Color" or "No Color"
- for the newly created category.
- Then click "Save.
- Your newly created category will now appear
- on the left hand side of the screen.
- To add an inventory department, select the "Inventory tab"
- on the top menu bar on the home screen,
- then select the "Departments" sub tab.
- Now click the "Add a Department" button,
- enter the new department name
- and assign categories to that department.
- Then click "Save" to finish.
- To add an inventory item, select the "Inventory" tab
- on the top menu bar on the home screen,
- then select the "Categories and Items" sub menu tab.
- On the left, select the category to add the item to.
- Now on the right, select "Add Item".
- The Basic Item Setup page will open
- and you will select a category to add your new item to.
- You now will name the newly added item
- and confirm that the POS active box is checked.
- Next, select the proper "Sold by" option for this item.
- Then enter the sales price for the item
- and select the tax category for the item.
- Finally, click "Save" to add the item to your inventory.
- You'll see it listed in inventory
- when you return to the home screen.
- With bulk import, you can import your inventory list.
- To do this, you'll need to download
- and fill out the template provided in the Back Office
- before you can import a list.
- To start the inventory list import,
- select the "Inventory" tab,
- then click on "Import Items" on the right side
- of the inventory home screen.
- You'll be asked to locate your file.
- Before uploading your file,
- review the file data and import details
- by selecting "Review Item List".
- To upload the item list, select "Import From List"
- then select "OK" from the import item list popup window.
- To perform an extended item setup,
- return to the inventory home screen and click on an item.
- Next, click on "Extended Item Setup"
- and scroll through the page
- to view the additional item setup options available.
- Once you are finished completing your extended item setup,
- click "Save".
- To add a modifier item in a group,
- select the "Inventory" tab on the top menu bar,
- then select the "Modifiers" sub menu tab.
- Next, select the "Add Modifier Group" button
- on the far left.
- In the popup window, enter the name of the modifier group.
- To complete, click "Save Changes.
- To add modifiers to a modifier group,
- return to the modifier main screen.
- Now click "Add Modifier" to the top right corner.
- Here, you will select the modifier group
- to add modifiers to.
- Now name the modifier,
- add a price
- and click "Save".
- To edit modifiers, return to the modifier main screen,
- then select the "Recently Added" modifier group.
- Make your desired edits to your modifiers
- and click "Save".
- To remove a modifier, return to the main screen,
- select a modifier,
- then select "Remove Modifier",
- then select "Okay".
- To add a store, select the "Inventory" tab
- in the top menu bar on the home screen.
- Next, use the store selector to choose company view
- for all stores.
- Then select the "Inventory" tab.
- Next, select the "Categories and Items" sub tab.
- Now click on the item you need to assign to a specific store
- to view in the item detail screen.
- Now click the "Assigned Store" button.
- Here, you will check the boxes
- for the stores the item will be assigned to
- and available on those stores' POS devices.
- Click "Done" to close the POS availability screen.
- Click the "Save" button to complete.
- The receiving inventory report tracks the quantity
- of items being added to inventory
- and quantity of items being sold.
- It also updates vendors, costs
- and the retail price of items.
- To monitor inventory received,
- start by selecting the "Inventory" tab.
- Then click on the "Manage" sub tab,
- next, select "Receive" on the sidebar menu.
- You can now filter items displayed by vendor
- and enter an items name or barcode in the search box
- and click the search icon to view your inventory.
- The counting inventory is the item count worksheet
- that lists all of the items you intend to count
- in your inventory.
- To create a Counting inventory, first select "Inventory",
- then select the "Manage" sub tab
- and then select the "Count Worksheet".
- Here you can filter items by the last time they were counted
- to items created in the last 30 days.
- You can then print the page as a record for the sales floor
- and stockroom when packages are counted by hand.
- Once your hand count is complete,
- enter the number from the count worksheet
- into the Back Office
- to update your online inventory records.
- To create an item sales report,
- select the "Results" tab from the home screen.
- Under "Sales" in the left hand column,
- select "Item Sales",
- then select a preset date range on the top
- or enter the specific date range you would like
- for your Item Sales Report.
- You can also use the filter dropdown menu
- to select "All Categories"
- or a particular category.
- For more information
- visit