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Merchant Services Dispute Activity

March 13, 2024


Overview of the dispute and chargeback activity available in Business Advantage 360 Merchant Services

What's in this article?

The Dispute activity shows dispute transactions posted to a Merchant Services account. This includes both chargeback and representment category transactions.

dispute activity screen

The report has the below fields:

table listing the report fields and their descriptions
Transaction SlipUnique identifier of chargeback or representment transaction
Transaction CategoryIndicates chargeback or representment
Merchant IDThe MID. Not applicable to every merchant, as non-member level clients do not have a MID
Transaction DateDate of original transaction (based on posting date value at time of processing)
Value DateDate of chargeback or representment transaction settlement
Card NumberCard number of original transaction
Account NumberSubledger account number
Account TypeSubledger account type
Acquirer ReferenceBankWORKS generated number
Retrieval ReferenceRRN Number
Transaction TypeDispute type (i.e. retrieval request, first chargeback, pre-arbitration, etc.)
Transaction AmountTransaction value
Account AmountTotal amount in the account
Sale TransactionTransaction slip of original presentment
Original Transaction DateTransaction date of original transaction at point of service
Case NumberDispute Management System case number. Click link to open case in DMS.
ReversalFlags whether chargeback or representment is reversed
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