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Recurring Billing Subscriptions

June 4, 2024


How to create, edit and search for a Recurring Billing subscription for new and existing customers

What's in this article?

A Recurring Billing subscription combines the customer's payment information (their token) with the Recurring Billing plan. The subscription defines when the payments will start and how long they will last. You can create a subscription with a new customer, which will create the customer token at the same time your create the subscription, or you can create the subscription using a customer token that you created previously. If needed, you can update or cancel a subscription at any time.

To create a Recurring Billing subscription 
  1. Log in to your Merchant Services account in Business Advantage 360 online banking. 
  2. Select Recurring Billing > Subscriptions.
  3. Click Create New Subscription.

    Create a new subscription button highlighted
  4. Select whether you are creating a subscription for a new customer or whether you will use an existing customer token:

    select a customer type options dialog
    To enter new customer payment details
    1. Enter the customer details for the new customer:

      subscription customer details options
      • Enter a reference number for the customer. This is a required field and will help you identify the customer later. 
      • (Optional) Enter an email for the customer.
      • (Optional) You may add additional fields. Click Add and then enter the information of your choice.
      • Click Continue.
    2. Enter the payment details for the customer:
      • Select Credit/Debit card in Payment Methods.

        subscription payment method options
      • Enter the card details, including card type, card number, expiration, and currency. 
      • Enter the Billing Address details for the cardholder.
      • Click Continue.
    3. Indicate whether the shipping address is required for this subscription. If yes, enter the shipping address details.

      subscription shipping details address required
    4. Click Continue.
    To select an existing customer token
    1. Enter the existing customers First Name and Last Name.
    2. Select Search
    3. In the search results, click Select next to the customer's account. 

      select customer token for subscription
  5. Enter the Subscription Details:
    • Enter a Subscription Name, which can be the name can be the customer’s last name, a customer number, or whatever is most helpful to the you. This is a required field. 
    • Enter a Start Date to begin billing. 
    • (Optional) Enter a Subscription Code if there is a unique code that should be assigned; otherwise, the system will auto-assign a consecutive subscription code number. The Subscription Code can be letters or numbers.
    • From the Billing Plans dropdown list, select a plan to associate to the subscription. 

      select subscription billing plan
    • Click Apply

      You many edit the Billing Amount and Setup Fee associated with the plan for this specific customer by clicking the pencil icon. While the Billing Amount and Setup Fee can be updated at the subscription level, this is not recommended. To keep consistency for all subscriptions assigned to a specific plan, we recommend that this information not be changed. If necessary, the merchant should create a new plan and then associate the plan to the subscription.

  6. Click Create Now.
    confirm creating the subscription
  7. Click Yes, create to confirm the new subscription. The Subscription Details screen will appear. 
To edit subscriptions 

You can change the subscription code, name, plan option, and billing amount. There are two ways to edit the details of a specific subscription: through Recurring Billing or Token Management. 

  1. Log in to your Merchant Services account in Business Advantage 360 online banking. 
  2. Select Recurring Billing > Subscriptions
  3. Locate the subscription and click the Subscription Code hyperlink. 

    click the subscription code hyperlink
  4. Click Edit and make desired changes.

    edit subscription details
  5. Click Update.

NOTE: You can also access the subscription through Token Management by selecting the customer's token ID, then selecting the Subscriptions tab and clicking the Subscription Code.

To search for a subscription

View subscriptions from within your Merchant Services account in Business Advantage 360 online banking. There are two ways to view subscription details – in Recurring Billing, and in Token Management.

  1. Log in to your Merchant Services account in Business Advantage 360 online banking. 
  2. In the left navigation, select Recurring Billing > Subscriptions.

  3. Use the filters to locate the subscription and click the hyperlink in the Subscription Code column to open the Subscription Details page. If you select to filter on Subscription Status,  available statuses include:
    PendingCreated but subscription has not yet started (a future start date)
    ActiveSubscription is currently in use
    DelinquentA payment has been missed (auto-payment declined)
    SuspendedA subscription is automatically suspended after 5 evenly spaced tries and failures, manual suspension is not available
    CancelledSubscription has been cancelled by merchant
    CompletedInstallment plan that has reached the specified number of payments

    filter subscription by status

NOTE: You can also access the subscription through Token Management by selecting the customer's token ID, then selecting the Subscriptions tab and clicking the Subscription Code.

To cancel or reactivate a subscription
  1. Log in to your Merchant Services account in Business Advantage 360 online banking. 
  1. Select Recurring Billing > Subscriptions.
  2. Locate the subscription and click the Subscription Code hyperlink.
  3. From the Change Status dropdown list, select the to cancel or reactivate. 

    change a subscription status
To troubleshoot Delinquent or Suspended subscriptions

When a subscription is first created, the payment method will be tested. If the payment method fails, the account is immediately suspended. If the payment method fails at the first billing cycle, the account will be suspended. After the first billing cycle, if a payment fails, the Subscription status changes to Delinquent and the system begins retrying the payment method until the the payment works or the system changes the Subscription status to Suspended.

Table of payment failure status and subscription status
Payment failedSubscription status
When subscription is createdThe subscription will automatically be Suspended.
Very first payment failsWithout any retries the subscription will automatically be Suspended.
Payment fails after recurring billing establishedPayment will go through a retry process. During the retry process, the status of the subscription will be Delinquent. After retrying 3 times, the subscription will become Suspended. The rate of retry depends on the Subscription billing frequency:
Table of subscription type and retry frequency
Subscription billing frequencyRetry frequency
YearlyRetried every 15 days x 3 times
MonthlyRetried every 2 days x 5 times
WeeklyRetried every 1 days x 3 times
DailyNo retry

This article is written for merchants who manage Recurring Billing within their Merchant Services account within Business Advantage 360. (Business Advantage 360 is our Small Business Online Banking platform.) This article is not written for advanced e-commerce merchants who integrate to the Bank of America Gateway via our Card Not Present Integration Toolkit and manage this service via API.

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