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Restaurant Point of Sale App Closed Check Refunds

May 6, 2024


How to perform a refund in the Restaurant Point of Sale app

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Perform a refund to offset a transaction for a closed check that was ordered incorrectly or when a guest asks for their money back. The refund option can be accessed from either the Order Entry screen or the Floor Plan.

  • Refunds are not tied to an original sale transaction. 
  • Refunds can be made to any supported tender type.
  • Refund mode is only active for a new check. You cannot perform a refund on a pending or closed check.

To refund a closed check

  1. From the Point of Sale app slide-out menu ☰,  tap Refund Mode. The order entry screen appears and Refund appears across the guest check screen.
  2. Add the items for which you want to provide a refund.
  3. Tap Refund
  4. Tap the desired payment type and proceed as prompted. Since refunds are not related to original sale transactions, the refund can be issued to any supported form of payment.
  5. Close the ticket.
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