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Token Management Dashboard

April 26, 2024


How to access the Token Management dashboard to view and export reporting on the number of tokens created, retrieved and updated

What's in this article?

The Token Management Dashboard has an overview of the number of tokens created, retrieved and updated within the selected time period. To get to the Token Management Dashboard, from your Merchant Services account in Business Advantage 360, select Token Management > Dashboard in the left navigation. 

Watch a video (no audio) on viewing and exporting Token Management data
To filter Token Management dashboard
  1. Select a Date range.
  2. Then choose a Chart Type to view as a breakdown or as a trend report.  
  3. Click Search.

filter the token management dashboardThe Trend report option displays token trends over the date range:

view the trend chart type for token management dashboard

To export a Token Management report
  1. After filtering your data, click Export.
  2. Select Breakdown.
  3. Choose an export file type: CSV, JSON or XML
  4. The report will generate. Download from your browser and open the file. 
    export token management report

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