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Token Management Subscriptions

May 6, 2024


How to view, edit or cancel subscriptions

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A subscription assigns a customer token to a recurring billing plan. Subscriptions can only be created from an existing customer token. A customer token creates a tokenized profile for a customer and securely stores the information. Each customer token creates a billing token. A customer token is necessary to bill an end customer via Recurring Billing.

Recurring Plans are plans that you set up that have attributes (like billing amount and billing frequency) that you want to use over and over again. For example, you could set up a “gold” plan that charges your customer $100 a month ongoing, with no end date. And you could set up another plan, a “silver” plan, that charges your customer $50 a month for a total of 6 months. To create a Subscription, a customer token must be associated to a Recurring Billing plan.

Viewing subscriptions through Token Management will show only subscriptions for the selected Customer Token.

To view subscriptions
  1. Log in to your Merchant Services account in Business Advantage 360 online banking. 
  2. Select Token Management > Token List
  3. Update the filters based to display the customer that need to be reviewed. Matching Customers will display.
  4. Click the Token ID hyperlink. The Customer page appears.
  5. Click the Subscriptions tab. 
To edit a subscription
  1. Log in to your Merchant Services account in Business Advantage 360 online banking. 
  2. Select Token Management > Token List
  3. Filter to find the subscription that you want to edit.
  4. Click the Token ID hyperlink. The Customer page appears.
  5. Click the Subscriptions tab.
  6. Click the Subscription Code hyperlink. The Subscription Details page displays.
  7. Click a status option to change the status of the subscription: Reactivate Subscription, Suspend Subscription or Cancel Subscription

    NOTE:  The selections that display will be dependent on the status of the subscription.

  8. Click Edit.
  9. Make desired changes to any of the following:
    • Subscription code
    • Subscription name
    • Plan option
    • Billing amount
  10. Click Update.
To create a subscription

Subscriptions can only be created from an existing Customer Token and must be associated with a plan.Log in to your Merchant Services account in Business Advantage 360 online banking. 

  1. In the left navigation, select Token Management > Token List.
  2. Locate the Customer Token using the customer’s first and/or last name filters.
  3. Click the Token ID hyperlink to open the Customer Token.
  4. Click Create Subscription.

    NOTE:  The Customer Details, Payment Details and Shipping Address Details will be pre-populated and will NOT be editable. Verify payment and billing details. If the information is incorrect, you should not continue. You must create a new customer token with the correct information and then create the subscription.

  5. Enter the subscription details:
    • The Subscription Name can be the customer’s last name, a customer number, or whatever is most helpful to the merchant. This is a required field.
    • The Start Date for when the merchant will begin being billed.
    • The Subscription Code if there is a unique code that should be assigned (otherwise, the system will auto-assign a consecutive subscription code number). The Subscription Code can be letters or numbers, depending on merchant preference.
  6. From the Billing Plans dropdown list, select a subscription billing plan.
  7. Click Apply. The Cycle (billing frequency) and Setup Fee for the Recurring Billing plan will display after the plan is selected from the dropdown. 

    NOTE:  While the Cycle and Setup Fee can be updated at the subscription level, this is not recommended. To keep consistency for all subscriptions assigned to a specific plan, we recommend that this information not be changed. If necessary, create a new plan and then associate the plan to the subscription.

  8. Click Create Now
To create a one-time plan

A one-time plan may be created when the subscription needed does not conform to one of the regular plans. A one-time plan can only be associated with one subscription.

  • To create a one-time plan, create a subscription and select New One Time Plan from the Billing Plans dropdown. All billing details must be entered if a one-time plan is selected.

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