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Account Updater Response Reports

March 25, 2024


How to download Account Updater response reporting and interpret codes

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Download the Response Report

You can download Account Updater reports from Business Advantage 360 online banking Merchant Services account. These reports are also called response files. You can download this report three to five days after your harvest date and see each token that was updated by Account Updater. (See below the Report Response Codes section for more information on the information provided by the report.)

To download a report/response file
  1. Log in to your Business Advantage 360 online banking Merchant Services account. 
  2. On the left navigation, select Reports > Downloadable Reports > Available Reports
  3. Select the Third-Party Reports tab. 
    • Account Updater generates reports if changes occur and titles them based on your merchant ID: or
    • You can search for your Account Updater reports using your MID and the date range you choose.
  4. In the Download column, click the file format link. 
  5. Follow your browser's instructions to open and save the file.
Response File Examples



Account Updater response codes 

The following table describes response codes that may appear in your response file and what you should do if action is needed.

Account Updater report response codes, definitions, fee, action
Description of Response CodeFeeToken update | Merchant Action
ACL800 - Success
Match Account Closed
YesThe instrument identifier (card number) token is amended and marked as closed
Do not include the token with the next batch update request. Update the system to indicate the account was closed. If new card number obtained, create a new token. You will need all 16 digits of the card number and the expiration date.
CCH800 - Success
Contact Card Holder
YesNo automatic updates are made to Token Management
Do not include the token in the next batch update request. Contact the card holder to obtain new credentials, then create a new token.
CUR800 - Success
Card Data Current
NoNo changes are made.
NAN800 - Success
New Account Number
YesThe original instrument identifier (card number) is closed and a new instrument identifier token is created within the Customer  token
NEDNew Expiration DateYesThe payment identifier (expiration date) token is amended with the new expiration date
NUP800 - Success
No Match, No Update
DEC801- Invalid Card #
805 - Invalid Card Type Length
806 - Unknown Card Type
851 - Invalid Token Length
852 - Unknown Token
853 - Token Closed Previous AU Batch
861 - Cardholder is already enrolled
862 - Rejected Card-holder opted out
ERR801 – Invalid Card #
802 - Invalid Check Digit
803 - Invalid Expiration Date
804 - Unsupported Card Type or Cancelled Card
807 - Merchant not enrolled properly in AU
808 - Incorrect Record Indicator
809 - Unknown Error Code
811 - New Account Number failed Mod 10 check
820 - Card number rejected by Token Provider
821 - Token Provider Issue

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