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Loyalty Program in Essentials Solution

March 21, 2024


Watch a video on how to set up and manage your loyalty program in Back Office for Essentials Solution

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Watch the video:

  • - [Presenter] The Essentials Solution offers the optionto set up a loyalty program, which allows you to reward
  • and incent your customers to grow your business.
  • In this video, you'll learn the basics:
  • how to set up, edit and monitor your loyalty program.
  • To begin, go to
  • Then, login to Bank of America
  • Essentials Solution Back Office.
  • To begin, select the Customers tab.
  • Now, click on the Loyalty Program sub tab.
  • Then, click the Get Started button.
  • Now, determine the program type customers
  • will use to earn a reward.
  • Punches are the number of visits
  • a customer makes to your business.
  • And Points are equivalent to the number
  • of dollars a customer spends at your business.
  • Enter the number of points or punches required.
  • Then, set a minimum purchase amount required
  • to be eligible to earn either punches or points.
  • Now, complete the the fields for the reward details,
  • the type of reward, the amount or percentage off
  • of a purchase, minimum purchase required
  • to receive the reward and the expiration of the reward.
  • You also have the option to allow multiple rewards
  • per ticket.
  • Finally, add a receipt message
  • that lets your customers know the number of visits
  • or points needed to reach their next reward
  • and when that reward expires.
  • When you're done click Save
  • and your loyalty program is set up.
  • Once the loyalty program is set up
  • the employee can assign a customer's ticket
  • to the program at checkout,
  • so they can begin accumulating rewards.
  • If the customer has a reward available
  • the system will alert the employee
  • of the available reward at the POS during checkout.
  • To edit your loyalty program,
  • select the Customers tab on the home screen.
  • Then, select the Loyalty Program sub tab.
  • To turn your loyalty program on
  • or off, use the on/off toggle.
  • A confirmation box will appear.
  • To edit details in the loyalty program's reward
  • or receipt sections select Edit next
  • to the pencil icon at the top of the page.
  • Once you've made your edits, click Save.
  • After editing your program, you'll automatically return
  • to the main loyalty program page
  • where your updates will appear.
  • To monitor your active loyalty program
  • select the Customers tab
  • then, select the Loyalty Program sub tab.
  • Here, you can view the rewards earned
  • by your customers in the middle of the screen.
  • To view earned rewards for a specific time period
  • use the date fields to select
  • the time period you want to view.
  • Scroll down and you'll be able to see rewards that are still
  • in progress and not yet available for redemption.
  • To manually add points or punches
  • to a customer loyalty balance, click on the Customers tab
  • then click the Customers sub tab.
  • From your list of customers, click on a customer
  • to add loyalty points or punches to.
  • You can also search the database or scroll through
  • the customer list using the Search Customers function.
  • Once you open a customer's profile,
  • click on Loyalty Program.
  • Then, click the Add Points punches button.
  • The button will be named either Add Punches
  • or Add Points based on your program type.
  • Next, enter the amount to add.
  • Then, click the Save button to see
  • the updated customer profile then, click Close to finish.
  • For more information visit
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