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Online Ordering Website Banner

March 11, 2024


How to add a banner image to your Online Ordering website home page or Find Location page

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You can add multiple banners to your commerce site to display various aspects of your products or business to your customers. Banners will carousel automatically or be clicked through by the customer.

The recommended banner size is 1600x350 pixels.

To add a banner

  1. In the Back Office, select the Online Order tab. 
  2. Select either Home Page Banners or Find Locations Banners in the navigation on the left.
  3. Click Add Image and select an image file to upload.
    • To delete a banner, use the – (minus) icon.
    • To change banner order, use the arrows to reposition their order. The banners display in descending order with the image at the top of the list appearing first.
  4. Click Save.
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