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Online Ordering Website Template Customization

January 30, 2024


Customize the design of your Online Ordering website

What's in this article?

You can customize the design of your Online Ordering website pages by editing the template for each page type. You can change the style of global features that appear on all of the pages, such as the footer or navigation, or change how a specific page appears.

Customize the design templates

You have control over font, font color, font size, button color, and background color. The editable options on the Style Page will appear in the style in they are set to. You can update the following parts of your website:

  • Global Styles
  • Product Page
  • Shopping Cart
  • Checkout Page
  • Thank You Page
To customize your website styles
  1. In the Back Office, select the Online Order tab. 
  2. In the left navigation, select select Style Controls.
  3. Click the edit icon to change the webpage. The changes will appear in the Back Office screen for you to preview.
  4. Click Save. Your changes go into effect immediately.

If you have your customer-facing website open while editing styles in the Back Office, refresh the page to see the changes.

Website templates

You can choose between two online ordering website templates:

  • Card view is the default view, focused on presenting the site without menu imagery
  • Image view is optimized for menu imagery. Choose this option to focus on item images

You can switch between card view and image view depending on their brand and needs. Merchants now have the flexibility to have a site where images are not required.

To switch the website template
  1. In the Back Office, select the Online Order tab. 
  2. In the left navigation, select select Website Templates.
  3. Select the desired template.
  4. Click Save.

Website Templates screen

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