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Point of Sale App Clock In/Clock Out

May 7, 2024


How to use the time clock to clock in and out and how to manage clock functionality

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Your employees can use the time clock to start and end their shifts. Once you assign any user with a role that includes the time clock feature, all users will see the Clock In/Clock Out feature when logging in to the Point of Sale app; however, the clock in and out function is role-based and not all the POS users will have the functionality. User roles can be edited in the Back Office.

Time clock is not an option for Essentials Light. If using Restaurant Solution, refer to Restaurant Point of Sale App Shifts .

Clock in/clock out

Users who have the time clock feature assigned to their role can clock in and out on the POS device. Users can clock in/out even if the POS device is offline. The system will store the time clock activities and send them to the host when the POS device is online.

To clock in
  1. In the Point of Sale app Log In screen, enter your PIN.

    Point of Sale app log in screen with clock in and clock out options
  2. Tap Clock In
  3. Do one of the following based on your user role:
    • Tap Go to POS to proceed to the Point of Sale app. After 10 seconds, you will need to enter your PIN and tap Log In to gain access to the Point of Sale apo.
    • Tap Close if you do not want to go straight to the Point of Sale app. After 10 seconds, you will need to enter your PIN and tap Log In to gain access to the Point of Sale app.
    • Tap OK. This is for users who use the POS device to clock in/out only (no other Point of Sale app access).
To clock out
  1. In the Point of Sale app Log In screen, enter your PIN.
    Point of Sale app PIN entry
  2. Tap Clock Out. The system will show your clock out time. 

    Point of Sale app clock out dialog
  3. If prompted, enter the amount of cash tips to declare. 
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Tap Close to complete your clock out.
    • Tap Print to print your time sheet. A receipt will print to the default receipt printer showing all clock in and clock out times and the total hours worked by the user on that business day.
  5. Tap Done.

Change a clock in/out time

If you are already clocked in or out, you can change the clock in date and time if needed. 

To change clock in/out time
  1. Tap Clock In or Clock Out
  2. At the warning message that appears with the original date and time of your clock in/out, tap Yes to create a new clock in date and time. This will result in an unpaired punch in the Back Office. 

Disable the time clock

The time clock in the Point of Sale app is enabled by default, but you have the option to disable it. By enabling time clock on only one of your devices, you can reduce duplicate time punches. This also ensures that employees will be warned of any duplicate and unpaired punches on the device even if the POS device is offline.

When you disable the time clock functions, the Clock In and Clock Out buttons will not display in the Point of Sale app.

To disable the time clock
  1. In the Point of Sale app, open the slide out menu and tap Settings.
  2. Scroll down and toggle Enable Time Clock to OFF (grey). The time clock will be disabled and Clock In and Clock Out buttons will not appear on the Log In screen.
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