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Point of Sale App Manual Card Entry

February 21, 2025


How to manually enter a credit card payment in the Point of Sale app from either the default customer-facing display or from the cashier-facing display of the E700 or E800

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By default, if a card number must be entered during a transaction, it is entered on the customer-facing display. Alternatively, you can set up your terminal so that when a card number must be entered during a transaction, such as during a phone order from a customer, the cashier can type the card information on the cashier-facing screen instead of on the smaller customer-facing display. To enable a cashier to enter a card number for a transaction on the cashier-facing screen, the manual card entry option must be configured in Back Office.

To manually key a credit card payment from the customer-facing Q20 screen

By default, when taking a payment on the Point of Sale app that requires the card information to be manually keyed, the keying of the card information is done from the customer-facing display, not from the cashier side.

  1. In the Point of Sale app, tap on Credit Card from the Payment options screen. 
  2. Click the Keyboard icon on the customer facing screen Q20 in the bottom right corner. 
  3. Enter the card information in the Please Enter Card Number field to complete transaction.

If an E800 or E700 customer-facing display prompts for an Operator Password, and your Operator Password is unknown or you would like the prompt removed, call us for assistance. 

To manually enter a card payment from the terminal

If enabled, manually keying a credit card may be completed from the the merchant-facing screen. 

If you are using inline tipping to offer tip options during the payment, use the customer-facing display to complete a manually keyed entry 

  1. In the Point of Sale app, tap on Credit Card from the Payment options screen. 
  2. Tap Enter the card number manually at the top of the window.
  3. Enter the card information to complete transaction and then tap Charge.

To enable manual card entry from the cashier-facing POS screen

To enable manual card entry from the cashier-side of the POS, you will need to generate a security key in Merchant Services online banking and then configure the Back Office to allow cashier-side card entry.

  1. Log in to your Merchant Services account in Business Advantage 360 online banking.
  2. Click on the location name to open it.

    Location name listed in a Merchant Services account in Business Advantage 360 online banking
  3. In the left navigation, select Payment Acceptance Configuration > Key Management.
  4. Click the Generate key button. 

    Generate key button in the Key Management screen

  5. Leave default options selected to generate a REST - Shared Secret key and click Generate key

    Default options selected for generating a REST - Shared Secret key
  6. (Optional) Download the generated key to a safe location. You will copy and paste the key and shared secret key values to the Back Office.

    Generated key example
  7. Open another browser tab and log in to the Back Office.
  8. In the Back Office, select Settings > Payment Method.
  9. In the Integrated Credit section, select Allow for Manual Card Entry.
  10. In the Manual Card Entry Payment Provider Setup section, enter your merchant ID
  11. Copy and paste the Key value generated in online banking to the Key field.
  12. Copy and paste the Shared Secret key value generated in online banking to the Secret Key field.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Synchronize data to the terminal by clicking the cloud icon on the top right of the screen.
  15. You can now manually enter the credit card payment from your terminal (not the customer-facing screen). 
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