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Point of Sale App Manual Batch Close

May 9, 2024


How to manually close the batch at the end of the day to clear the terminal memory

What's in this article?

Use the following process to manually close a batch on a terminal. Batch closure on the terminal clears the terminal memory. If your business is set up for manual batch closure, you should perform the batch close at the end of your business day after you have completed any tip adjustments. 

Using the end of day/shift change options in Back Office will not clear the transactions from the terminal memory, but do provide the end of day reconciliation reporting.

To manually close the batch in the Point of Sale app

  1. At the end of the business day, log in to the Point of Sale app.
  2. From the Point of Sale app slide-out menu ☰,  tap Settle Batch.
  3. Enter your employee PIN.

    NOTE: You may receive the pop-up error "You don't have permission for this. Please have someone who does enter their PIN."  If you receive this error, process the steps for a full-data sync, close the app completely, log back into the app and process the batch close steps again. 

  4. Tap Yes to confirm.
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