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Solution Features Comparison

March 10, 2025


Overview and feature comparison of Essentials, Essentials Light, Restaurant and Retail Solutions

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Solution: Essentials Light | Essentials | Retail | Restaurant


Solution Overview

The Essentials Light, Essentials, Retail, and Restaurant Solutions from Bank of America include an Android application that runs on a variety of payment terminal options, including the A60, A920, E700 and E800. Solutions are deployed through the Cloud and offer remote access to the Back Office for setting configuration preferences, running reports, and accessing other features. Receipt customization, the ability to email a receipt, a partial refund option, payments through a digital wallet, and card not present transaction capability is available on all solutions. The Android application used by Essentials Light, Essentials, and Retail Solution is referred to as the Essentials Suite App. The Android application for Restaurant Solution is the Restaurant App.

Bank of America offers different solutions tailored to your business needs:

Essentials Light
  • Essentials Light supports a single location.
  • Essentials Light can support more than one device in a single store.
  • Online Ordering is not supported for Essentials Light.
  • An external weight scale may be sourced and used to sell items by weight using manual entry.

table of features that are limited for Essentials Light
FeatureEssentials Light supports
InventoryUp to 10 categories
Up to 500 items
Discounting an open item/ticket by amount or percentage off
Adding items and categories in Back Office, but not on the POS
EmployeeUp to 10 employees
Default user roles of Cashier and Account Manager
TaxTwo tax categories
One tax jurisdiction
TippingInline tipping only
AlertsLimited to three alerts 

Simple quick/counter service or simple retail establishments that do not need the advanced features of the Restaurant Solution like table management or kitchen routing, or the advanced options of the Retail Solution such as large inventory and SKU/PLU tracking. No limit to category creation. Inventory can be up to 10k items. Supports five Alerts. 


The Restaurant Solution ("Restaurant") offers advanced features for managing tables, multiple modes of operation like take out and delivery, and kitchen routing. Supports five Alerts. Inventory of up to 50K items.


The Retail Solution ("Retail") offers more inventory capacity, the ability to manage inventory by SKU or PLU code, subcategories for items and the ability to create kits of items offered at a special price. Supports 5 Alerts. Inventory of up to 50K items.

Device and mode features

Hardware Compatability

table of a comparison of hardware support features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
E700/E800/A920/A60 terminal
(Restaurant requires at least one E700/E800)


table of a comparison of hardware support features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Handheld barcode scanner for E700/E800

Countertop barcode scanner for E700/E800

Cash Drawer (16" with 5 bill slots)

Docking station with receipt printer for A60 only
(up to 7 devices)

Label printer

Receipt printer (built-in thermal printer) 
E700/E800/A920 only

Thermal external printer for E700/E800 
(Essentials Light only supports receipt printing)

Kitchen impact printer (for high heat areas), print in black or red

Weight Scale - USB connected
(Essentials Light supports a client-sourced weight scale with manual entry)

Kitchen printing

table of a comparison of hardware support features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Enhanced print routing for multiple kitchen stations

Share kitchen printer configuration among devices

Print single items to kitchen chit

Kitchen Display System (KDS)

Device settings

table of a comparison of hardware support features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Integrated local server communication  (E700/E800 as primary device)

Training mode
Manual and automatic data synchronization between host and POS
Alert management
(Essentials Light supports 3, otherwise supports 5)
Cash drawer behavior by device
Adjust font size, print in color

Support for non-English language

Order mode

table of a comparison of hardware support features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Quick Service/Cashier mode

Table Service mode

Takeout, delivery, catering, drive thru mode

Online Ordering

table of a comparison of hardware support features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Online Ordering  pay in store or online

Online Ordering order validation and tax calculation prior to order submission

Online Ordering pickup in store or curbside

Online Ordering shipping

Online ordering integration to 3rd party apps such as Grubhub or Uber Eats

Multi-store management

table of a comparison of hardware support features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
One Back Office login to manage company and store (location) data

View company and store-specific reporting

Payments, taxes and cash management features

Payment method

table of a comparison of payment processing support features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurant
Custom tenders

Contactless payments 
(Card Verification Method (CVM), signature or PIN is required and varies by card type for amounts greater than or equal to the threshold: VS/MC/DS | $100, Amex | $200)

EBT / Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Digital wallet payment via QR code

Gift cards - closed loop

Gift cards - open loop

Manual card entry
(merchant-facing available on E700/E800)

Pay in/Pay out tracking for cash drawer  
(customizable for Restaurant)

PIN debit

Offline payments 
(payments when not connected to internet)

Save credit card to an order

Signature capture and receipt recall



table of a comparison of payment processing support features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurant
Tax categories

Exclusive tax 
(tax as a separate line item)

Inclusive tax
(tax included in item price)

Tax exemption for inclusive taxes

Tax by order mode

Tax tables

Tax by location (unique selling location)

Tax jurisdictions

Cash Management

table of a comparison of payment processing support features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurant
Device-based cash management

End of shift cash reconciliation

Recount cash, based on employee access level

Designate cash amount left in drawer (starting and ending cash amounts)

Multiple cash drawers

Assign multiple users to a cash drawer

Employee-based cash management (cash liability, tip payout/adjustment at end of shift)

Subtract tips from financial shifts

Safe drop management

Lottery payout controls

Reopen a financial shift

User roles and employee management features

User roles and login

table of a comparison of user role features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Default customizable user roles 25No limit5
Assign multiple user roles

Exclude user role from labor calculations for salaried employees

Customize and assign a default pay rate to a user role

Sort user role ranks

Employee PIN login

Biometric login (Face ID) or Employee swipe card login

Employee time management

table of a comparison of user role features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Clock in/clock out on POS

Edit clock in/clock out time

Employee breaks

Labor law audit view

Track employee activity, including cleared tickets, cleared items, and no sales

Inventory/menu management features


table of a comparison of inventory menu management features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Add a category from the POS

Re-arrange categories on the POS

Hide categories on the POS

Subcategories (up to 6)


table of a comparison of inventory menu management features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Add a category from the POS

Re-arrange categories on the POS

Hide categories without items on the POS


table of a comparison of inventory menu management features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Inventory management including unit cost

(Essentials Light has a limit of 500 items, Essentials 10K, Restaurant and Retail 50K)

Inventory item count

Inventory import

Inventory export

Vendor management

Inventory item re-order point

Count or receive inventory (Back Office only for Essentials)


table of a comparison of inventory menu management features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Item as both menu item and modifier

Edit items on the POS

Edit multiple items at once

Assign to a printer group

Set an item's print priority

Control item availability on POS

Kits (bundle individual items)

Link item to barcode (UPC or EAN-13)

SKU/ PLU field for items

Sell by unit or by weight/measure (Essentials Light client-sourced weight scale for manual entry)

Prompt for item price at POS


Item purchase restrictions

Modifiers and variations

table of a comparison of inventory menu management features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Use item as a menu item and a modifier

Set a default modifier

Force modifiers when an item is selected

Suppress printing non-priced modifiers on receipt

Assign variations to modifiers

Variations, including price by variation

Promotions, events, and discounts


table of a comparison of inventory menu management features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Create events

Event-based pricing

Price lists

Promotions and events

table of a comparison of inventory menu management features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Discounts at item and ticket level

Promotions - Buy One Get One (BOGO) 

Advanced promotions

Order entry on the Point of Sale app

Order entry

table of a comparison of order entry on the POS features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Customer lookup and assignment to a guest check

Favorite items for quick selling

Split payments by equal amounts

Override tax amount

Return or refund ticket or line item

Add a returned item back to inventory

Override a price

Charge for non-sales revenue items, such as delivery charge or fee

Item or ticket level notes

Future orders (available on Restaurant through online orders)

Hold and recall a ticket

Reopen a closed ticket

Share orders across devices (Primary POS)

Save a credit card to an order

Hold and fire course timing


table of a comparison of order entry on the POS features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Accept inline tips

Accept tip adjustments (eligible MCCs only)

Suggested tip prompts for inline tipping

Suggested tip prompts for tip adjustment


table of a comparison of order entry on the POS features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail

Receipts - email or paper

Gift receipts

No receipt option

Customizable QR code for receipts

Table management

table of a comparison of order entry on the POS features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Floor plans

Split check by seat

Transfer tables, tabs, or seats

Take ownership of a table or tab

Add seats to a guest check

Order items for the table

Waitlist management

Customer management

table of a comparison of customer management features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Customer database, including import/export

Customer categories

Customer attributes

Add customer information at the POS

Bulk delete of customer information

House accounts

Email marketing

Customizable email receipts

Customer survey code on customer receipts

Email discount offers

Spam score evaluator

Social sharing

Loyalty program (punches or points) 


Back Office and device reporting

table of a comparison of reporting features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
At a glance snapshot reports (MyStore)


Limited reporting on devices

Back Office Operations reports
(Shifts, store summary, device, employee, and location activity, discounts & promots, price overrides, taxes, time clock and tips)

Back Office Sales reports
(Department sales, item sales, non-sales revenue, modifier sales, sales summary)

Back Office Sales Commission report

Back Office Customers reports
(Bulk email, customer notes, customer sales)

Back Office Lists
(Items, modifiers, customer & devices)

Export credit batch data and POS transactions

Business Advantage 360 Merchant Services

table of a comparison of reporting features between Bank of America POS solutions
FeatureEssentials LightEssentialsRestaurantRetail
Manage chargebacks and disputes

Access and view merchant statements

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