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Back Office and Point of Sale App Feature Access by User Role

March 11, 2024


Understanding features and user roles in the Back Office

What's in this article?

Back Office Features

Back Office users may be granted access to an entire functional group, by granting access to all features in a section, or may be granted access by functionality within a section. Once access is granted, employees can perform any of the function available on that screen. You can also select Back Office Access (All) to allow a user to access all screens and functions in the Back Office. If a user does not have access to a feature, they will not see the link for the feature when logged in to the Back Office.

The table below describes the functionality available in each section and whether the feature is available by default to the default user roles of Shift or Manager.

My Store (All)
Access to all My Store settings in this section.
Activity Summary and Alerts
View the Activity Summary, view and configure alerts
Sales Dashboard
View the Sales Dashboard
Customer Dashboard
View the Customer Dashboard
Results (All)
Reports (All)
View and print reports
POS Transactions
View transactions for a specific time and reprint customer receipts
Financial ShiftsFinancial Shifts report where received cash amounts from employees are entered
Credit Settlement
Not in use

Menu (All)
Categories and Items
View, add, and edit categories and items
View, add, edit, and delete modifiers and modifier groups
DepartmentView, add, edit, and delete departments
TagsView, add, edit and delete tags. By default the system assigns this access to Account Manager user role
View, add, edit, and delete discounts

Price ListsView, add, edit and delete a price list
EventsView, add, edit, and delete events
Customers (All)

Email Marketing
Create and send email marketing campaigns to customers

Loyalty Program
Create, view, and edit your loyalty program

View, add, and edit customer information
Social Sharing
Set up links to your social media pages to be used in Email Marketing

Employees (All)

View, add, and edit employees
Labor Shifts
View, add, edit and delete labor shifts for employees
User Roles
View, add, edit, and delete user roles and modify levels of access for user roles

Settings (All)

View and edit basic information about your company

View and edit store contact and store receipt information

View, add, and edit tax categories and tax rates

View and edit accepted payment methods and credit card processing information

Pay In/Out CodesView, add, edit and delete pay in and pay out codes
ChargesView, add, edit and delete charges
Kitchen RoutingNot currently available

Custom Tenders

Account Information

Reset PasswordEmployee access to reset their own password
LogoutAllows logout of the Back Office
My Account
View and update your account information, view bills, add additional stores

Buy Hardware
Not currently available

Register Hardware
Register equipment to your account for warranty purposes

Register Device
Activate a device when app is installed on POS

Point of Sale App Access

It is necessary to assign appropriate access to user roles for employees to perform their job in the Point of Sale app. Every employee has access to the Point of Sale app for time clock functions. This is important for employees, such as a cook and a dishwasher, who only need to clock in and out. It is not necessary to define levels of access for these employees.

POS Access (All)
Provides employee access to all POS settings in this section. 
Labor Shifts (All)

Clock in/out
Enables employees who have no other requirement to use the POS to access the POS to clock in and out. 

Manager Functions
Clock other users out

POS (All)

Ring Up Sales
Enables employee access to the order entry screen, for actions such as adding items to the guest check and accepting payments.
Can accept paymentsEnables employees access to the order entry screen, for actions such as adding items to the ticket

No Sale (Open Drawer)
Permits employees to open the cash drawer by tapping No Sale at the order entry screen.
Void Items/Ticket
Permits employees to void individual items or an entire guest check.
Price Override

Apply Discounts/Promotions
Permits employees to apply a discount or promotion to an item or a guest check. An employee with this ability can apply any active discount or promotion available to a guest check.

Change Tax
Permits employees to change the tax rate on a guest check to a different rate.

Perform Refunds
Permits employees to perform a refund for a customer.

Pay In/Out
Perform a pay in or pay out

Shift/Cash Management (All)

Close Shift
Close a shift, perform cash reconciliation, and print the Daily Summary report

Recount Cash
Edit the initial cash amount entered during the cash reconciliation process

View/Print Shift Summary
View and print the shift summary report at the end of the Close Shift process

Multiple Cash drawers 
Grants Access to multiple cash drawers

Adjust Tips for Others

Adjust tips for other users

Note:  A user without this access can still adjust his or her own tips.

Category/Item Management
Add new categories and items, rearrange existing categories and items. 

Pending Credit

Count/Receive Inventory
Add new categories and items, rearrange existing categories and items. 

Settle Batches

Delete Offline Credit

POS Settings
Access and edit the settings on the POS settings screen

Enter/Exit Training Mode
Grants the user the ability to enter and exit training mode on the POS

Override Order Lock
Gives the user the ability to access locked future orders

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