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Restaurant Point of Sale App House Account Payments

May 7, 2024


How to receive a payment for a house account in the Restaurant Point of Sale app

What's in this article?

In addition to receiving payment for a house account in Back Office, you can also receive payment at the POS. You do so by adding a house account payment charge to the check, which then prompts you to select the customer linked to the house account. When you create your first house account, the system creates a house account payment charge. You may use this charge to receive payments, or you may create additional charges by which to receive house account payments.

To receive a house account payment at the POS

  1. At the order entry screen, tap Pay.
  2. Tap Charges.

    Charges screen

  3. Tap the charge for house account payments. 
  4. Search for the customer linked to the house account. 
  5. Select the customer.
  6. Confirm the amount for payment. The system loads the total balance due.
  7. Tap Done. Receive payment and close out the check as normal.

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