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Restaurant Point of Sale App Guest Check Payment

May 6, 2024


How to close a check and take a payment in the Restaurant Point of Sale app

What's in this article?

You can quickly close a guest check to cash, credit card, or gift card. You can also save a credit card to a guest check to allow a customer to run a tab, as you might do in a bar environment.

Restaurant Solution does not support PIN debit, gift card, or EBT payment options.

To take a cash payment
  1. With the guest check active on the Point of Sale app, tap PAY.

    NOTE: If the checks for the table are split, select the correct ticket before you apply the payment. The selected ticket number appears in green.

  2. Tap one of the following:
    • Quick Cash Amount. The change due amount appears in the guest check.
    • Cash. Enter the amount received and tap Done. The change due amount appears in the guest check.
  3. Tap Close to close the check.
    • In Table Service, the system advances to the next ticket for the table, or if there are no other checks to close for the table, the floor plan screen appears.
    • In Quick Service, the order entry screen appears.
To take a credit card payment
  1. With the guest check active, tap PAY.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To take a partial credit card payment, tap Credit Card, enter the amount to charge the card and then tap Done.
    • To charge the entire amount to the card, slide the credit card through the card reader. 
  3. If prompted, the customer will sign the signature screen with their finger or a stylus, and select a tip option.
  4. Customer will tap Accept and then tap Close.
To take a house account payment

Prior to closing a check to a house account, you must first create the house account in the Back Office. When searching for a house account, you search by the linked customer name rather than the house account name. Additionally, without an Internet connection to the Back Office, you cannot close a check to a house account.

To close a check to a house account:

  1. At the order entry screen, after you have added items to the guest check, tap PAY.
  2. Tap House Account
  3. Type the customer name linked to the house account. 
  4. Tap the customer name.
  5. Confirm the amount to charge to the house account.
  6. Tap Done. The name of the house account appears on the house account tender line.

    NOTE: If you wish to change the house account selected, first remove the house account payment from the ticket. Then, tap the customer name on the top left of the screen. The customer screen appears. Tap remove customer from ticket.

  7. Tap Close.

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