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Payments App Reports

January 14, 2025


How to change reporting options and run a report in the Payments app

What's in this article?

The Payments app includes several reports to help you run your business. If you have a report configuration that you run frequently, you can set it as the default report. When you select that option, the default report will print with the assigned report and settings.

To run a report

  1. Tap Payments app icon on your terminal.
  2. Tap the FUNC tab. Swipe the screen to the left or right if the tab is not visible.
  3. Tap Reports.
  4. If prompted, enter your operator password then press Enter.
  5. Choose a report option and then filter or sort, if desired.
    Table of report names and description
    DefaultAutomatically prints Default report that is defined in the Current report or History report menu.
    CurrentPrints a customized report based on selected criteria. Option to create Default report from this menu.
    Table of report type and options
    Field | DefaultOption
    Report Type | Condensed ReportTap to select a Report type option: 

    Condensed report

    Table of condensed report option fields and descriptions
    TrnTransaction Number
    CrdCard type: Visa (VI), Mastercard (MC), American Express (AX), Discover (DC), Diners (DI), JCB (JC)
    TpTransaction type: Sale (SL), Return (RT)
    $TipTip amount, if tipping is enabled
    $AmountThe total transaction amount
    AccountTruncated account number
    CREDIT RecordsTotal number of transactions
    CREDIT TotalTotal dollar amount of transactions


    journal report

    Table of journal report type fields and description
    Transaction TypeSale, Return, etc. and amount
    Transaction #Transaction number
    Trans. DateTransaction date
    Trans. TimeTransaction time
    Invoice #Invoice number
    EntryCard entry type: swiped, chip, manual
    AccountTruncated account number
    Auth. CodeAuthorization code
    Ref. No.Reference number

    short report

    Totals Only

    totals only report

    Payment Type | ALLTap to filter by a payment type such as credit or cash.
    Card Type | ALLTap to filter by a specific card type: Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, etc.
    Transaction Type | ALLTap to filter by a transaction type: Sale, Auth, Post Auth, etc.
    Sorted By | Transaction NumberTap to filter by Transaction Number, Card Type or Server/Clerk Number.
    History Prints a report from a specific date range. Option to create Default Report from this menu.
    Table of report date range fields and options
    Field | DefaultOption
    Report From | MM/DD/YYYYDefault is today's date. Tap to select a different report start date. 
    Report To | MM/DD/YYYYDefault is today's date. Tap to select a different end date.
    Payment Type | ALLTap to filter by payment type, such as credit or cash.
    Card Type | ALLTap to filter by card type, such as Visa or Mastercard.
    Transaction Type | ALLTap to filter by transaction type, such as sale or return.
    TipPrints a report of all tipped transactions based on selected criteria. 
    Table of tip transaction report fields and options
    Field | DefaultOption
    Server/Clerk Number | ALLTap to select a specific server.
    Payment Type | ALLTap to filter by payment type, such as credit or cash.
    Card Type | ALLTap to filter by card type, such as Visa or Mastercard.
    EMVAutomatically prints different EMV Report types.
    Table of EMV report options and descriptions
    EMV ReportDescription
    Key ReportInformation on injected keys, such as key IDs. 
    Stats. ReportChip card read fail counts, PIN Entry error counts, Offline Funds Declines, and Technical Fallbacks.
    Conf. ReportInformation on enabled card types, such as the contactless limit.
    Decl. Trans. ReportA detailed report of Offline Fund Declines.
  6. To save the report as your default report, tap OK, otherwise, tap Cancel to continue.
  7. Tap Printing.
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