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Back Office Donations Report in Restaurant Solution

March 7, 2024


How to view detailed information about your donation campaigns in Restaurant Solution Back Office.

What's in this article?

The Donations report provides detailed information about your donation campaigns

Donation report in Back Office

To run the Donations report

  1. In Back Office, select Results tab.
  2. From the left navigation, select Donations.
  3. To refine your search, select a date or date range.
  4. Click the refresh icon to refresh the report data.
Business DateTransaction date
Donation NameThe name of the donation applied to the transaction
Start DateTransaction start date
End DateTransaction end dat
Quantity SoldNumber of sold quantity
Round UpAmount of the round-up donation added to the transaction
Quick AmountThe quick donation amount added to the transaction
Custom AmountThe custom donation amount added to the transaction
Total Amount DonatedThe total donation amount for the day

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