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Back Office Donation Campaign Setup in Restaurant Solution

March 13, 2024


How to create a donation campaign in the Back Office to allow customers to donate to a charity at checkout

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You can create a donation campaign to allow customers to support local charities. At checkout, the customer can donate pocket change by rounding up their purchases to the nearest dollar, a predefined amount, or an amount determined by the customer. Customers write the amount they wish to donate on a designated line on the guest check or voucher. You can track the donation totals on the Back Office Donations report.

Donation campaigns are activated by an event and only one campaign can be active at a time. 

To create a donation campaign
  1. In Back Office, select the Menu tab.
  2. Select the Donations subtab.
  3. Click Add a Donation.
  4. Enter a name for the donation campaign.
  5. Enter a description.
  6. (Optional) Enter an External ID number if you use a third-party solution.
  7. (Multi-Store) Click Assign Stores and assign the campaign to the desired stores and whether the donation campaign should be active on the store POS. You can also select All Stores to assign the campaign or activate the campaign on the POS for every store.
  8. (Optional) from the Activate by Event dropdown list, select an event that activates the campaign or leave as default to make the donation campaign active at all times.
  9. (Optional) Select Donation Options:
    • Round Up: Rounds up to the nearest dollar. If the check total is already a whole dollar amount, no donation is added to the check.
    • Quick Amount: A set dollar amount to add to the check, such as $1.
    • Custom Amount: Allows the customer to enter an amount of their choosing.
  10. Click Save to save the donation campaign.
To edit or delete a donation campaign
  1. In Back Office, select the Menu tab.
  2. Select the Donations subtab.
  3. Select a campaign from the list to open the Donation Detail screen.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click Delete Donation to remove the donation campaign.
    • Edit the donation campaign details and then click Save to update the campaign.
To duplicate a donation campaign

You can quickly duplicate an existing donation campaign at the company or store level.

  1. In Back Office, select the Menu tab.
  2. Select the Donations subtab. 
  3. Select the donation to duplicate. The Donation Detail screen appears with a Duplicate option in the top right corner.
  4. Click Duplicate. A newly created donation record appears with everything pre-populated except for Donation Name and External ID
  5. Enter the details for the donation.
  6. Click Save.

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