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Back Office Bulk Email Report

January 24, 2024


How to run the Bulk Email report in the Back Office

What's in this article?

The Bulk Email report provides more information about the success of your Bulk Email campaigns and can help you determine if your current Bulk Email is effective or if you should adjust it.

This report shows you:

table listing fields and their descriptions
Date Email SentThe date you sent the bulk email.
Email SubjectThe subject of the bulk email.
Number SentHow many times you sent the bulk email.
Number OpenedHow many times customers opened the bulk emails you sent.
Discount NameThe name of the discount attached to the bulk email.
Qty. RedeemedThe number of associated offers and used by customers in your store.
Total Ticket SalesThe amount of dollars individual bulk emails are generating.
To run the Bulk Email report
  1. In Back Office, select the Results tab.
  2. Select the Reports subtab.
  3. In the left navigation, select Bulk Email.
  4. Select your date range.
  5. Click refresh

    bulk email screen

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