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Back Office Email Marketing

January 22, 2024


How to create email marketing, receipts, and Welcome/Miss You emails

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You can create email messages that help you market to your customers. You can use this feature to let customers know about upcoming events, welcome new customers, touch base with customers who haven’t visited recently and provide soft copies of receipts rather than printed copies. Include special offers in these email messages to entice a return visit to your restaurant and to assist you in tracking the effectiveness of your email marketing campaign.

Marketing emails and recurring emails for receipts, welcome, or miss you emails are created the same way. Select the email marketing message you wish to create. Each email message type uses a designer tool to assist you in creating the message. Although all types share basic similarity, each contains settings specific to that message type. Each email message type can contain up to three sections: image, text, and offer. If you do not configure a section, it does not appear in your email message.

Customers tab showing Bulk and recurring emails options

table showing options and descriptions
Market to Customers (Bulk Email)Bulk email option to send a marketing campaign to a category or categories of customers.
Send Receipts via EmailSend an emailed receipt in lieu of a paper receipt.
Thank New Customers (Welcome)Send a welcome email to new customers when they provide you with their email address. 
Bring Customers Back (Miss You)Send a Miss You email to encourage customers to return.
Campaigns, social sharing, and performanceTips and tools provided by the Back Office to assist you in creating powerful, appealing email messages, use social sharing, and to track the effectiveness of your email campaign.

To ensure you are adhering to email marketing laws, make sure you have the customer's permission to email them before including them in any email marketing campaigns.

Bulk marketing email

These are marketing messages to your customer base. Create a custom message to send to all customers, or to a select category of customers, letting them know about upcoming events and special menu offerings. 

  • Use the Bulk Email feature to broadcast emails to up to 2,500 customers. If you have more than 2,500 customers, the system will send the email to the 2,500 customers with the most recent purchases.
  • You can also choose to send a bulk email to one or more customer categories (with valid email addresses) by selecting the More option in the To field to open the Select Recipients screen. We highly recommend using categories to create targeted email campaigns.
  • Unlike the other marketing email messages, once you are satisfied with your bulk email and it has passed the spam check, as soon as you click Send Email, the system will send your bulk email immediately.

For multi-site customers, if you want to send a bulk email message to customers at a particular store, create a customer category using your store names and then assign the customers at that store to that store's customer category. If you do not select categories, only the most recent 2,500 customers will be messaged.

To create a bulk email message
  1. In the Back Office, select the Customers tab.
  2. Select the Email Marketing subtab.
  3. Click Customize Email to customize your bulk email template.
  4. Use the default template or click the Start New Email button at the bottom of the screen and then select a template.
  5. In the Change Template screen, click Copy to copy the To, Subject, and text content from the standard bulk email into a new email.
    • To change the customer category to send the message to, click the ellipsis icon in the To field and select a category or categories. 
    • NOTE: You can copy your existing content and paste it into Notepad or a similar application to save it. You might want to consider saving these to essentially build a library of email messages to help you quickly create new emails based on your previous emails.

  6. Edit the template sections to add images, text, and offers. Sections will vary depending on the template selected. 
  7. Click Save Changes periodically to save your work.
  8. Once you have created your content, review the changes:
    • Click Preview to view the entire email along with headers and footers.
    • Click Test Email and enter up to five email addresses to send the email to see the final formatting and/or have your associates review the email for you. This will allow you to see the email exactly as your customers will see it.
    • Click Check Spam Score to launch the spam checker.
  9. Click Send Email to send the message to your customers. If you've set up your Social Sharing settings, you can also choose to send your Bulk email message to your Facebook page.

Receipt email

Email Receipts creates a custom receipt to send to customers, in lieu of a printed receipt, using an email message. POS operators have the option to send the customer's receipt via email. Using this feature allows you an extra chance to connect with your customers and send them offers. Since you don't want to risk your customers not receiving a receipt, the receipt email is enabled by default and it cannot be disabled. 

If you do not customize the receipt for your store, the customer will receive a simple, default receipt by email.

Even if a customer has requested to opt out of email marketing, receipt emails will still be sent, allowing you to continue to reach these customers. If you are working in an Offline Mode (not connected to the internet), the system will send the receipt emails once your POS device is online. 

To customize your receipt email
  1. In the Back Office, select the Customers tab.
  2. Select the Email Marketing sub tab.
  3. Click Send Receipts via Email.
  4. Select Customize My Receipt.
    • NOTE: The store information that is shown is supplied from the information you entered on the Store Information screen.

  5. Customize the Subject line of the receipt as desired. The default subject line for the receipt is “Thank you for your business.”
  6. Edit the receipt image by hovering over and click the gear at the top of the receipt:
    • Select Edit Image to edit the image that displays, including adding a URL with a link, adding alternate text, replacing image, resizing, resetting, and clearing the image.
    • Select Replace Image to browse for and upload another image to replace the current image.
    • Select Clear Image to remove the current image from the email.
    • Select Duplicate Section to duplicate the image already displayed. This would allow you to show the image both at the top and bottom of the receipt.
    • Select Move Section Down to move the image to display at the bottom of your receipt.
    • Select Remove Section to remove the image section. The system will alert you that once you remove the image area from the email, you will not be able to attach an image later.
  7. You can enter a discount or offer at the bottom of the screen by hovering over that area and clicking the gear icon.
    • Select Add Offer to set up or attach a discount offer. The set up options mirror the normal How to Work with Discounts in the Back Office.
    • Select Move Section Up to move the offer to display below the image area and above the gray area of the receipt.
    • Select Remove Section to remove the discount or offer section from the receipt. The system will alert you that once you remove the offer section from the email, you will not be able to attach an offer later.
  8. Once you have created your content, review the changes:
    • Click Preview to view the entire email along with headers and footers.
    • Click Test Email and enter up to five email addresses to send the email to see the final formatting and/or have your associates review the email for you. This will allow you to see the email exactly as your customers will see it.
    • Click Check Spam Score to launch the spam checker.
  9. Click Save Changes to begin using the updated Receipt Email message to your customers.

Welcome email

Create a custom email message to thank new customers and welcome them. The system automatically sends the message to a new customer as soon as you add their email address to your customer database. Use the Welcome Email feature to welcome customers to your store and to also entice them to return by attaching an offer or coupon to use on their next visit to your store. Once you select Turn Email ON, the system will automatically send the welcome email to your customers as soon as you enter their email address. You can come back and make changes to your welcome email at any time.

When a new customer provides an email address, you can automatically send a welcome email. Including an offer or coupon to use on their next visit will entice them to return.

To customize your Welcome email
  1. In the Back Office, select the Customers tab.
  2. Select the Email Marketing sub tab.
  3. Click Thanks New Customers. The Welcome Email editor displays.
  4. Add a Subject line.
  5. Edit the image to add your own logo or other image.
  6. Customize the body of the email.
  7. (Optional) Attach an offer. 
  8. Once you have created your content, review the changes:
    • Click Preview to view the entire email along with headers and footers.
    • Click Test Email and enter up to five email addresses to send the email to see the final formatting and/or have your associates review the email for you. This will allow you to see the email exactly as your customers will see it.
    • Click Check Spam Score to launch the spam checker.
  9. Select Turn Email ON to start sending Welcome emails to customers that provide you with an email address.

Miss You email

Use the Miss You Email feature to reach out to your customers who have not made a purchase in a configurable number of days. The system will count the number of days since a customer made a purchase and will then send the customer the Miss You Email.

The purpose of the Miss You Email is to entice the customer to come back to your store and make another purchase. Because of this, it's a good idea to attach an offer to this email message.

To customize your Miss You email
  1. In the Back Office, select the Customers tab.
  2. Select the Email Marketing sub tab.
  3. Click Bring Customers Back. The Miss You Email editor displays.
  4. Choose the number of days you want to use. Your options are 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, and 365 days. For example, if you choose 30 days, and a customer has not made a purchase from you in 30 days, the system will automatically send the customer the Miss You Email. If no purchase is made, the system will wait another 30 days before it sends another Miss You Email.
  5. Add a Subject line.
  6. Edit the image to add your own logo or other image.
  7. Customize the body of the email.
  8. (Optional) Attach an offer. 
  9. Once you have created your content, review the changes:
    • Click Preview to view the entire email along with headers and footers.
    • Click Test Email and enter up to five email addresses to send the email to see the final formatting and/or have your associates review the email for you. This will allow you to see the email exactly as your customers will see it.
    • Click Check Spam Score to launch the spam checker.
  10. Select Turn Email ON to start sending Miss You emails if a customer has not made a purchase in the selected number of days.

Once you select Turn Email ON, the system will automatically send the Miss You Email to your customers based on their last purchase. There's nothing else you need to do. You can come back and make changes to your Miss You Email at any time.

Spam check

Spam Check calculates the likelihood a spam checker may capture your email marketing message. Click Spam Check after creating your email message to determine which, if any, spam triggers exist in your email message. The subject and content of your email are evaluated against hundreds of rules.

Each trigger has an associated point value associated with it that we use to calculate a spam score for your email message that allows us to let you know if your marketing email has a low, medium, or high risk of being tagged as spam. If your email returns a high spam score, the system will not send the email until you make changes.

table showing spam button, spam score and what you should do
Spam ButtonSpam ScoreWhat you should do
An image showing the Spam Check button.LowSend the email to your customers.
An image showing the Spam Check button.MediumYou can send your message; however, the chance exists that your customer may not receive your email message. 
Review your email message and modify where necessary.
An image showing the Spam Check button.HighThe system will not send your email message when the spam score remains High. 
Review the identified triggers, modify your email message, and run Spam Check again. 
Confirm that your company information is configured. 
An image showing the Spam Check button.UnknownA spam check hasn't been done yet. Click the Check Spam Score button to check your email.

To lower your spam check score, try the following tips:

  • Ensure your email does not consist solely of images.
  • Avoid using the word Test in the subject line.
  • Avoid using Dear _ in the subject line or in the introduction of the message.
  • Do not include “Money back guarantee” anywhere in the message.
  • Avoid excessive exclamation points.
  • Avoid all capital letters.

Test email message

Prior to sending your email message to your customers, you can send a test email message to a maximum of five email addresses. Use Test Email to verify the formatting of your email message on different email clients.

To test an email message
  1. Click Test Email. A Send Test Email screen appears.
  2. Enter up to five email addresses, each separated by a comma.
  3. Click Send Test. The Email Queued prompt appears.
  4. Click OK. The system sends your email message.
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