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Back Office Sales Summary Report

January 11, 2024


How to run a Sales Summary report in the Back Office to view such detail as transactions, items sold, returned items and net sales, over extended time

What's in this article?

The Sales Summary report allows you to see certain information from the Store Summary report, but for longer periods of time that you specify. Specifically, this report displays the daily number of transactions and their tax, returned items and their price, and the total number of items sold and their net sales. Being able to export a large list of daily sales enables you to have a solid overview of your revenue.

To view the Sales Summary report

  1. In the Back Office, select Results tab.
  2. Select Reports subtab.
  3. In the left navigation, select Sales Summary.
  4. Select your date range.
  5. Click refresh to generate the report.

    Sales Summary report

This report shows you:

  • The store level data and the business day broken down by the number of transactions, the tax dollars, number of returns with the dollar amount of the return, the total number of items sold and the resulting net sales amount.
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