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Back Office Item Sales Report in Retail Solution

March 25, 2024


How to run an Item Sales report in the Back Office of Retail Solution

What's in this article?

The Item Sales report pulls all of your items with sales activity in the selected date range. You can use this report to find out how well specific items are selling over a specific time period. By selecting a single category, you can see how well the items in that category are selling over a specified time period. The SKU and PLU numbers for items in a category are listed in the report.

To run the Item Sales report

  1. In the Back Office, select Results tab.
  2. Select the Reports subtab.
  3. In the left navigation, select Item Sales.
  4. Select your date range.
  5. Select Filter by options from the dropdown list to filter by All Categories (default) or a particular category.
  6. Click Show Components to display any item components included in a kit. 
  7. Click Show Subcategories to display the subcategories for the sales items.
  8. Click the Show Variations button to display any item variations, including their quantity sold.
  9. Click the refresh icon.

    Item Sales report filters

The report shows:

  • The Net Sales Amount per item, which is calculated by multiplying the Avg. Price and the Sold Quantity. Keep in mind the Avg. Price may not always equal the Current Price because of “prompt for price” items and price overrides. 
  • You can also view the Margin for each item, as well as subtotals by category, as well as grand totals.
Item Sales report fields and descriptions
CategoryThe name of the category
SubcategoriesThe name of the subcategory
Item NameThe name of the item/kit
SKUSKU of the kit
PLUPLU of the kit
VendorName of the vendor
Current PriceCurrent price of an item
Net Sales: Avg. PriceAverage price of an item
Net Sales: Sold Qty.Item sold quantity
Net Sales: Weight Qty.Item weight quantity
Net Sales: Amt.Item total sale amount
Net Sales: CostItem cost price
Net Sales: MarginTotal margin sale amount
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