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Restaurant Point of Sale App Tax Change

May 6, 2024


How to change the ticket tax on a ticket in the Restaurant Point of Sale app

What's in this article?

You can change the tax amount for the ticket, but not for individual items on the ticket. If the tax category or tax rate is incorrect, you will need to edit that information in the Back Office.

To change the ticket tax

  1. In the Point of Sale app, add items to ticket.
  2. Tap Tax in the ticket.

    restaurant pos with tax line highlighted
  3. Tap the tax line to edit the tax or tap Exempt all below to exempt the sale from all taxes. (e800 screen)
  4. Choose whether to override the tax or exempt the tax. 
  5. Enter a new tax amount. You can choose to enter an amount or a percentage of the ticket.
    restaurant tax override
  6. Tap Done. The updated tax will display in the ticket. 

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