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Point of Sale App Ticket Item Management

May 7, 2024


How to add and remove an item from a sale, group ticket items, change item quantity, and clear a ticket in the Point of Sale app

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Here's how to add or remove an item from a ticket, add or change variations, group items, and manage item quantity on a ticket:

Add an item to a ticket
  1. In the Point of Sale app ticket screen, tap a Category.
  2. Do one of the following to add an item:
    • Tap the item to add. The item will appear on the left panel in the ticket section.
    • If you are using the barcode scanner, scan the bar code of the item.
    • Tap the barcode icon on the ticket screen to manually enter a barcode to add an item to the ticket.
    • Tap the Search magnifying glass icon located in the top right corner. Search for the item to add a ticket.
    • Add a weighed item by placing the item on the scale and adding the weight to the ticket.
Add variations

You are prompted to select an item's variations (color, size, pattern, etc.) when it is added to a ticket.

Select Variation window

To add a variation

  1. Tap the variations needed for the item.
  2. When all selections are made the item will automatically be added to the ticket and you can proceed with the sale.
Change item variations

You can choose a different variation than the original selection, if needed:

  1. In the Point of Sale app Ticket Entry screen, tap the item line to view the additional item tabs.
  2. Tap the Variations tab and select the desired variation.
  3. Tap the Close button.
Remove an item from a sale

There are several ways to remove an item from a sale:

  • Tap and swipe the item line, then tap Delete.
  • Tap More Functions to view the items details screen.
  • Tap the quantity in the white box to the left of the items name and tap 0 (zero) on the numeric keypad and tap Done.
  • Tap the line item line and tap the Delete Line button.

If you have any modifiers set up in the Back Office, the system will automatically display the Modify Item screen.

Clear a ticket/sale

In some cases, you may need to clear a sale to start a new ticket or close a shift.

  1. Tap Clear ticket at the bottom of the ticket screen.
  2. Tap Yes to confirm clearing the ticket.

Ability to clear tickets is based on user role.

Group items

The Point of Sale app allows you to group and ungroup like items on a ticket. This gives you more flexibility in applying discounts, price overrides, or modifiers to an item.

If you have multiple lines of the same item with the same attributes, you can swipe on the item's line and tap Group. This will group all the items on a single row with the appropriate quantity displayed. Once an item has been grouped, you can swipe on the item's line and tap Ungroup (for a quantity less than 50).

ticket screen

Item Quantity

The quickest way to change quantity for an item added to a ticket is to tap on the number (quantity) shown in the ticket box. Enter the quantity for the item, rather than tapping the item's button numerous times. 

Alternately, you could also, tap the line item and then either the plus or minus icons to increase or decrease the quantity.

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