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Merchant Services Transaction Reporting

April 17, 2024


Overview of the pending and funded deposits reports available for your Merchant Services account in Business Advantage 360 online banking

What's in this article?

The Bank Deposits module includes pending deposits and funded deposits as submenu items.

  • You can manage your Merchant Services account online through Business Advantage 360 , our small business online banking.
  • Business Advantage 360 Transaction Reporting helps merchants reconcile their transactions.
  • In this video, you will learn how to navigate
  • the transaction reporting available in Business Advantage 360,including the funded deposits report and sales reports,
  • such as activity, fees, and adjustments.
  • To access your merchant account in Business Advantage 360, go to
  • Then log to Business Advantage 360. The Funded Deposits module displays
  • all transaction batches that will be funded to your account.
  • To begin, select Manage your Merchant Services Account from the Merchant Services Account drop down.
  • Then navigate to Bank Deposits module on the left hand side of the page.
  • Next, select Funded Deposits.
  • The funded deposits report will provide any deposits that have been completed and sent to your merchant settlement account for deposit.
  • When you open the report, it will default to a payment date range for the last two weeks, but you can custom select a date range, 
  • or you can choose from several pre-set date ranges.
  • Today, 15 days, 30 days, last month, or this month.
  • To customize the date range, click on Payment Date.
  • select Submit to run the report.
  • The funded deposits report can be filtered by selecting the Add Filter tab.
  • You can filter the report by account, deposit account, transaction ID, and value date,
  • shown here as a date range that is less than
  • or equal to the payment date range previously selected.
  • As you have selected your date range and filter,
  • click Add Filter to rerun the report.
  • You can also filter the report by client number
  • if you have more than one merchant account.
  • When you've finished,
  • you can export this report
  • or any of the transaction reports to a CSV or PDF
  • by selecting the Export Actions button in the upper right.
  • The sales activity report allows you to see all sales activity for a given or selected time period.
  • To begin, select the Manage your Merchant Services Account from the Merchant Services home screen.
  • Then click Sales from the left side menu in the Merchant Services Dashboard.
  • Next, select Activity.
  • This report will default to transaction dates within the last two weeks, but you can custom select a date range, or you can choose from several preset date ranges.
  • Once you have selected your date range, click Submit to run the report.
  • The activity report can also be filtered by selecting the Add Filter tab.
  • There are a number of filter options, including account number, card organization,
  • payment transaction slip, service type, terminal ID,
  • or whether or not the transaction was reversed, as demonstrated in this example.
  • When you are ready to export your report, select the Export Actions button
  • in the upper right hand corner.
  • You can export the report as either a CSV or PDF file.
  • The fees report will show fees incurred by your business.
  • The report includes fees, such as swipe, dip, tap, manual entry, or interchange fees.
  • To run a fees report, use the Sales module dropdown and select Fees.
  • Select your date range, then select Submit to run your report.
  • The fees report also allows you to filter the report by client number if you have more than one merchant account.
  • When you are ready to export your report, select the Export Actions button.
  • You can run the adjustments report to show any fees that were charged in error and are being corrected. 
  • To run an adjustments report,
  • use the Sales module dropdown and select Adjustments.
  • Select the desired date range,
  • then select Submit to run the adjustments report.
  • When you are ready to export your report, select the Export Actions button.
  • For more information on Business Advantage 360 transaction reporting,
  • visit then select Transaction Management.

Access bank deposit reporting

Log in to your Merchant Services account in online banking to view deposit reports. 

To access bank deposit reporting for your merchant account
  1. Log in to your Merchant Services account in Business Advantage 360 online banking. 
  2. Select the location you would like to manage.
  3. From the left navigation, select Bank Deposits.
  4. Select a bank deposit report: pending deposits or funded deposits.
  5. Filter the report as needed.
  6. If desired, export your report to CSV or PDF by selecting Export Actions in the upper right.

Pending Deposits

Pending deposits screen

Pending Deposits displays all transaction batches yet to be paid within a selected date range. Date ranges can be custom selected or pre-sets are available for selection (Today, 15 days, and 30 days). The display is filterable by client (parent account) or hierarchy (location), as well as all fields defined in the field definition table below.

table showing field names and their definitions
Field nameDefinition
Payment DateThe date the payment will be sent
Client NumberMerchant number
AccountSubledger account number where the deposit will post
Account TypeSubledger account type. The type of deposit account.
CurrencyCurrency. Only USD is currently supported.
AmountThe total value to be funded

Funded Deposits

Funded deposits screen

The Funded Deposits module displays all transaction batches that have been funded to your account (at cut-off time, not necessarily when the bank actually funds the merchant account) within a selected date range. Date ranges can be custom selected or pre-sets are available for selection (Today, 15 days, and 30 days). The display is filterable by client (parent account) or hierarchy (location), as well as all fields defined in the field definition table below.

table showing field names and their definitions
Field nameDefinition
Transaction SlipUnique identifier of the funded deposit transaction
Payment DateThe date payment was sent
Client NumberMerchant number
AccountSubledger account number where the deposit transaction is posted
Account TypeSubledger account type. The type of deposit account.
CurrencyCurrency. Only USD is currently supported.
Amount Total amount settled
ReversalIndicates the reversal flag status of the transaction
Deposit AccountSettlement account where the deposit will be settled
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