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MobilePOS Dashboard Inventory Management

January 9, 2024


How to manage inventory through the MobilePOS Dashboard

What's in this article?

You can manage the items in your inventory, organize them into categories, and manage your stock of items. Inventory can be managed either through the MobilePOS Dashboard or by using the MobilePOS app. 

Use the Inventory menu to group items into categories. You can also add, sort and categorize your inventory and customize tax rates. Changes to inventory made through a registered MobilePOS app will be reflected in the MobilePOS Dashboard in real time.

Inventory Items

You can add items to the inventory that will be available when using the Inventory sale mode in the MobilePOS app. There is no limit to the number of inventory items you can add.

To add an inventory item
  1. In MobilePOS Dashboard, select Inventory > Items from the left navigation.
  2. Click Add New to create a new inventory item.
  3. Enter an item name. This is a required field.
  4. Select a category for your item. 
  5. Enter a stock quantity, if desired.
  6. Select Item Enable to make the item viewable within the MobilePOS app.
  7. Select Display in Menu to display the item in the menu category on the MobilePOS app. 
  8. Click Upload to select an image for the new inventory item. 
  9. Enter a SKU for the item. The maximum length is 32 characters.
  10. Enter a description for the item.
  11. Enter a price. This is a required field. 
  12. Select a tax category, or if the item is tax exempt, select the Tax Exempt checkbox.
  13. Click Save. If you have enabled the item, it will immediately be available on the MobilePOS app. 
To manage an inventory item

Use the following options to manage inventory items.

table listing options and their descriptions
ViewClick View to view item details, including the item information, price, and who created the item or updated it last.
EditClick Edit to update item information. Change the information as needed, then click Save.
DeleteClick Delete to remove the item. Click OK to confirm.

Inventory Category

Inventory categories group your inventory items to make selection of an item easier in the MobilePOS app.

 To create an inventory category
  1. In MobilePOS Dashboard, select Inventory > Categories.
  2. Click Add New to create a new inventory category.
  3. Enter a name for the new category. This is a required field.
  4. Enter a description for the category.
  5. Select Display in Menu to make the category visible in the MobilePOS app.
  6. Click Save.
To add multiple items to a category at one time
  1. After creating your category, select Edit to edit the category.
  2. Select the Items tab.
  3. Click Add Items.
  4. Select items from the list to add to the category.
  5. Click Save.

Stock Management

Stock Management provides inventory management options to track stock on hand, stock coming in and stock being moved out of your inventory.

To manage your inventory stock
table listing options and their descriptions
AdjustClick Adjust to update the quantity of the item on hand.
Stock In/Stock OutWhen you receive inventory, click Stock In to add the quantity. You can add additional remarks related to the stock in, if desired.
Click Stock Out to remove stock from the inventory.
DetailsClick Details to see the ongoing records of stock in/stock out changes and adjustments.


Manage tax rates for your items using the Tax options.

To add a new tax, sales tax or default tax
  1. In MobilePOS Dashboard, select Inventory > Tax from the left navigation.
  2. Click Add New to add a new tax. 
  3. Enter a tax name to help you identify the tax later. This is a required field.
  4. Enter a tax rate. This is a required field.
  5. Click Save. The new tax is created.
To manage a tax

Use the following options to manage tax rates:

table listing options and their descriptions
EditClick Edit, then update the tax name or rate and click Save.
DeleteClick Delete to remove a tax rate. Click OK to confirm.
Override a Tax CategoryClick Override Tax Category to override the default tax for items assigned to this tax.

Tax Category

Tax categories combine tax rates, grouping your taxes so that you can easily apply more than one tax rate to a sale. Add the individual tax rates using the Tax option first, then group them using Tax Category.

To add a tax category
  1. In MobilePOS Dashboard, select Inventory > Tax Categories from the left navigation.
  2. Click Add New to create a new Tax Category group. 
  3. Enter a name for the new Tax Category.
  4. Select whether the tax category will be the default tax to apply to a sale. 
  5. Select the checkbox for each tax to group for the Tax Category.
  6. Click Save.
To manage a tax category

Use the following options to manage tax categories that you create:

table listing options and their descriptions
EditClick Edit to change the tax category settings, then click Save.
DeleteClick Delete to remove a tax category. Click OK to confirm.
DetailsClick Details to see the taxes that are included in the tax category.

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