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Point of Sale App Online Order Management

January 23, 2024


How to manage online orders on your Point of Sale app

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The Back Office manages online orders by sending them to the appropriate queue in the Point of Sale app. If the order includes a kitchen item, the system prints a kitchen chit identifying the order as an online order and providing the following order details:

  • Curbside, pickup or dine in
  • Time for the order
  • Customer name and information.
  • Items for order, and notes, if any

Complete online orders from the appropriate queue on the Point of Sale app, the same as you would a normal order except with online orders the customer may have already paid for the order. If the customer paid for the order online, the tender type appears as ONLINE on the guest check, includes the amount paid, and indicates an amount due, if any.

In some cases, online orders may be set to auto-close fully paid orders. In this scenario, when the POS receives the fully paid online order, in addition to the kitchen chit printing, the POS prints a customer receipt and closes the order.

To complete an online order
  1.  At the Recall/Reprint screen (or Phone/Drive Thru screen in Restaurant Solution), select the order. 
  2. Tap Pay. The tender screen appears.
  3. Take the payment if there is an amount due.  If the customer paid for the order online, ONLINE appears in the tender type and the amount due is $0.00. 
  4. Tap Close to complete the order. 
To cancel an online order

In some scenarios, you may need to cancel an online order once the system downloads it into the Point of Sale app. When you void an order for which a customer paid online, this can create a financial reconciliation discrepancy between the online ordering system and the host.

  1. At the Recall/Reprint screen (or Phone/Drive Thru screen in Restaurant Solution), select the order. 
  2. Tap Void Ticket
  3. Tap Yes. The ticket is canceled and the system returns to the Takeout and Delivery queue.  If your user role does not allow you to void the ticket, you will be prompted for a supervisor approval. A manager must enter their four-digit PIN to void the ticket.

Order timing

When an order reaches the download threshold time limit, the Back Office releases the order to the Point of Sale app. For takeout orders, the default download threshold time limit is 30 minutes, and for delivery orders, the default limit is 60 minutes. For example, if the target time for a takeout order is 11:45, the Back Office sends the order to the Point of Sale app at 11:15. If necessary, you can pull an online order to the Point of Sale app that has not yet downloaded, rather than waiting for the order to reach the threshold time limit.

To pull an order to the Point of Sale app

In some instances, such as a same day order for later in the day, you may wish to pull an online order to the Point of Sale app for processing. Although you can view future day orders, you can only pull same day online orders.

  1.  At the Recall/Reprint screen (or Phone/Drive Thru screen in Restaurant Solution), tap Pending Online Orders.
    • The Online Orders screen appears with the online orders that have not yet downloaded because they have not reached the target threshold time.
    • For orders listed on the Pending Online Orders screen, you can only view the target time, order name, and ticket number.  To view ticket details, access POS Transactions in the Back Office.
  2. Tap Send next to the order you want to activate.  A Send Online Order prompt appears.
  3. Tap YES.  The Order Target Time screen appears with the target time assigned to the order.
  4.  Tap Done to accept the target time or select a target time for order completion.

    NOTE:  A kitchen chit prints to the define printer. The system removes the order from the Online Orders screen and places it in the Takeout or Delivery queue, depending on the order type.

  5.  Tap Close.
Future day orders

The Point of Sale app enables you to manage future day online orders. The system holds the order until it meets the download time threshold limit, and then it sends the order to the Point of Sale app. When the customer elects to pay in the store, the system manages these future day orders as it does same day orders. When the customer pays online for a future day order, the host creates two tickets:

  • A ticket for the business date on which the customer placed the order. 
    • This ticket contains only one line item representing the pre-payment with a positive amount and a payment record for the amount. 
    • The receipt displays ONLINE as the payment type and the POS Transactions Payments description is Pre-Payment.
  • A second ticket for the order due date. The second ticket contains the actual line items ordered by the customer. This is the ticket that is sent to the kitchen as a chit. 
    • The receipt reflects the tender type as PPD-ONLINE and the POS Transactions Payments description is Prepaid

On the Store Summary report, ONLINE represents an actual payment whereas PPD-ONLINE is the application of a previous payment to the ticket.

The Point of Sale app requires an Internet connection to receive online orders when they reach the download threshold limit. Without an Internet connection, the Point of Sale app cannot receive the online orders.

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