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Restaurant Point of Sale App Order Management

June 18, 2024


How to manage an active order in Restaurant Point of Sale app, including changing to a different mode or ownership, moving guests, tabs, or tables, deleting an order, recalling orders, and saving orders

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Once an order is started, you can make manage the order to change the mode, ownership, transfer the order between guests, tables or tabs,  and delete the order. Orders automatically save when you return to the mode screen from the order screen. You can delete an entire ticket if needed and also recall a completed ticket to reopen it to add items or reprint the receipt.

Convert to a different mode

You can easily convert an order to a different order mode, changing a takeout/delivery order to a table or a tab or to a saved order (Quick Service). Or switching a dine in order to a takeout/delivery.

To change a takeout or deliver order to dine in

You can transfer a takeout/delivery order to a table or a tab (Table Service) or to a saved order (Quick Service).

  1. From the order entry screen for the order, tap Change to Dine In
  2. Select the desired order mode: 
    Pay as Dine InTap to pay the takeout/deliver order as a dine in order. The system recalculates the taxes and remains at the guest check screen.
    Move to Tab (Table Service only)Tap to move a takeout/delivery order to a a tab, then tap Add Tab, name the tab and tap OK and Confirm to finalize the change.
    Move to Table (Table Service only)Tap to move the order to a table. Tap the room where the order will move and then the table.
    Store Order as Dine In (Quick Service only)Tap to move the takeout/delivery order to the saved orders queue. 
To convert a Dine In order to take out order

You can easily transfer a dine in order to takeout or delivery order, or pay a dine in order as a takeout order.

  1. With the order active on the guest check screen, tap Change Order Mode.
  2. Select an option:
Pay as TakeoutTap to pay the dine in order as a takeout order. The system recalculates the taxes and remains at the guest check screen.
Move to Takeout QueueTap to convert the order to a takeout order. Assign a customer to the order and then select a target time for the order before moving it to the takeout queue.
Move to Delivery QueueTap to convert the order to delivery. Assign a customer, if you have not already done so, and then select a target time before moving the order to the delivery queue.

Change table order ownership

If enabled for your user role, the Take Order Ownership role allows you to take over a table owned by another employee and to modify the order. When an employee assumes ownership of a table, they become financially responsible for the table. If you do not have the Take Ownership option enabled, orders belonging to other employees will be read-only and you can only print the guest check.

Before closing a shift, any open orders should be transferred to another employee. Employees will need both Recall Any Order and Order Ownership activated to take ownership. During the End Shift process, if open orders exists, the departing employee will see a message prompting them to transfer open orders. They can give ownership of all open orders to another employee. 

To take ownership on another employee's order
  1. From the Point of Sale app slide-out menu ☰,  or from the ticket entry screen, tap Recall.
  2. Search for and tap on the open order.
  3. Tap Take Ownership.

Alternately, during the End Shift process, the departing cashier can give ownership of all open orders to another employee.

To transfer orders
  1. Tap Transfer Orders.
  2. Select an employee from the list that appears. The list includes all employees with an active financial shift.
  3. Either the employee receiving the open order or a manager with the Order Ownership permission will need to enter their POS PIN to complete the transfer.

Transfer guests, tabs, and tables

You can transfer an order from one table to another, to a tab, from a tab to a table, and a split check to a table or a tab. 

A server must own both tabs or tables to transfer an order to an occupied tab or table.

Transfer tab to a table
  1. From the Tab screen, press and hold the tab you wish to transfer.
  2. Tap Transfer tab from the menu that appears.
  3. Tap the desired room. Unoccupied tables begin flashing. 
  4. Tap the table to which to transfer the tab.
Transfer table to a tab
  1. From the floor plan, press and hold the table you wish to transfer.
  2. Tap Transfer tab from the menu that appears.
  3. (Optional) Name the tab. 
Transfer guest to another table or tab

When a guest moves to another table or tab.

  1. Tap the table or tab at which the guest is seated.
  2. In the guest check, press and hold the seat (chair icon) for the guest being transferred.
  3. Tap Transfer seat from the menu that appears. The Floor Plan screen appears. Unoccupied tables begin flashing. 
  4. Tap the table to which the party is transferring. Or tap Add Tab to transfer the guest to a tab.
Transfer a party to another table or tab

When a party moves to another table or tab. 

  1. Tap the table at which the party is seated.
  2. Tap Transfer order from the menu that appears. Unoccupied tables begin flashing. 
  3. Tap the table to which the party is transferring or tap Add Tab to transfer the guest to a tab.
Transfer a split check to another table or tab

After splitting a check for a table, one party decides to join another table. You can transfer the open ticket to another table.

  1. Press and hold the table at which the party is seated.
  2. Tap Transfer order from the menu that appears. Unoccupied tables begin flashing.
  3. Tap the table or tab to which the party is transferring. The Select Tickets to Transfer screen appears.
  4. Tap the ticket(s) you want to transfer, and then tap OK.

Save/recall or delete an active order

Orders automatically save when you press the Back arrow to return to the main order entry screen for the mode you are using. You will see active tickets listed in that mode view. If you are using Table mode, the active orders for tables you own will be blue. Use the Delete Ticket option to delete an entire order/guest ticket.

To save an order

When you enter an order, tapping the Back arrow to move away from the order will save it so that you can continue to work with it until the customers are ready to pay. Your active orders will display in the mode 

To delete an order
  1. Open the active order in the Restaurant Point of Sale app.
  2. Tap Options > Delete ticket. For split checks you can delete each item individually, or tap All on One to combine the tickets. 

    delete a ticket
  3. Tap Yes to confirm deletion. 

    confirm ticket deletion

    IMPORTANT! Once the guest check is deleted, the order information cannot be retrieved.

  4. Obtain manager approval if an override is necessary.

Recall or reprint a complete order

You can easily recall tickets after they are put on hold or reprint a receipt for an order.

To recall or reprint an order
  1. From the Order Entry screen, tap hamburger to open the slide out menu.
  2. Tap Recall/Reprint in the left navigation.

    recall or reprint menu option
  3. Locate and tap on the ticket you want to recall or reprint.

    select a ticket to recall or reprint
  4. Depending on whether the ticket is still open or if it is completed, the options will vary. Tap an option. 

    recall or reprint options
    Recall and reprint options and their descriptions
    RecallRecall a held ticket. This places the ticket back into active status where you can remove, add, or edit items on the ticket.
    ReprintReprint or email the ticket. The system will reprint the ticket with the word "HOLD" shown prominently at the top of the receipt. 
    ResendResend the ticket to the kitchen.
    ReopenReopen the ticket.

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