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Online Ordering Google Analytics

March 11, 2024


How to add Google Analytics website tracking to your Online Order website

What's in this article?

Google Analytics is a platform that collects data from your website to create reports that provide insights into your business. Integration of Google Analytics with your Online Ordering website will help you monitor the performance of your website and monitor customer traffic to your site. Understanding data about your site and how your customers use it can help you learn about your customer's needs and adjust your menu or offers.

To add Google Analytics:

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account, or create a new account.
  2. Under Create a New Property, enter the following information:
    Table of fields and descriptions in Google Analytics
    Website NameThe name of your business.
    Website URLSelect https:// from the dropdown list and enter the full domain name of your online ordering website. 
    Industry CategorySelect the industry that most represents your business.
    Reporting Time ZoneSelect the time zone for your business.
  3. Click Submit. On the next page, you will then be presented with your Tracking Code and Tracking ID. 
  4. Copy the Tracking ID (Ex: UA-XXXXXXXXX-X).
  5. In the Back Office, select the Online Order tab. 
  6. In the left navigation, select Google Analytics.
  7. Paste the Tracking ID from the Google Analytics site into Google Tracking ID.
  8. Click Save. Google Analytics tracking is now enabled. Traffic will begin appearing on the Google Analytics website over the next few days.

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