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Restaurant Point of Sale App Scoreboard

May 6, 2024


How to use the Scoreboard on the Point of Sale app to view shift information

What's in this article?

The Scoreboard provides a top-level report of important shift metrics. Users with appropriate permissions can view Scoreboard information from the Point of Sale app home screen. 

To enable scoreboard for a user
  1. In the Back Office, select Employees tab.
  2. Select the User Roles subtab.
  3. In Scoreboard Access, select the checkbox for each employee role you wish to have Scoreboard access.
    Back Office User Roles with Scoreboard access option highlighted
  4. Click Save
To view the scoreboard in the Point of Sale app
  1. From the home screen, tap Scoreboard.

    Home screen tiles with Scoreboard option highlighted
  2. View your Scoreboard data.

    Scoreboard in Point of Sale app
table listing scoreboard tiles and their descriptions
Scoreboard TileDescription
TransactionsThe total number of transactions
GuestsThe total number of guests served
LaborThe labor costs associated with the shift
Labor %The percentage of labor associated with the shift
Avg ticket timeThe average time to complete the ticket
Sales per labor hourSales per hour for the shift
DiscountsTotal discounts applied
PromotionsTotal voids 
VoidsThe total amount of the voids
Avg kitchen timeThe average kitchen time for a ticket
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