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Back Office Employee Activity Report

January 22, 2024


How to run the Employee Activity report in the Back Office

What's in this article?

The Employee Activity report makes it easy for businesses with multiple cashiers to view the activity for each cashier. All store employees should log in to the Point of Sale app using their individual PIN. This way, the Employee Activity report will accurately reflect activity at the employee level.

To run the Employee Activity report

  1. In the Back Office, select the ResultsĀ tab.
  2. Select ReportsĀ subtab.
  3. In the left navigation, select Employee Activity.
  4. Select your date range.
  5. Click the refresh icon.

employee activity screen

This report shows you:

Table of employee activity report
Employee NameThe name of the employee
Gross SalesGross sales made by the employee broken down by price overrides, discounts, net sales, and average sales
Price Overrides & DiscountsThe quantity and total amount of price overrides
Gross ReturnsThe quantity and total amount of gross returns
Inclusive TaxesThe sum total of inclusive taxes entered by the employee
Net SalesThe net sales includes the total amount of sales by the employee, the total number of tickets entered by employee, and the average ticket amount per sale. The system calculates the average as net sales divided by the number of transactions.
# of Trans.The total number of transactions
Avg. SalesThe average sales on the device
Cleared TicketsThe number of cleared tickets
Cleared ItemsThe number of cleared items
No SalesThe number of no sales

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