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Merchant Services Transaction Error Messages and Reason Codes

January 17, 2025


How to locate and troubleshoot a transaction reason code in your Business Advantage 360 online banking Merchant Services account

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The Reason Code field contains additional data regarding the decision response of the transaction. Depending on the decision of a transaction request, the default receipt page or merchant-created receipt page is displayed to the customer.

You can find the transaction Reason Code in Merchant Services online banking in the Transaction Details view. It is listed in Transaction History and the Request Information sections.

Duplicate Amount Transaction - There is a 15 minute delay in processing when you run a transaction for the same amount immediately.

table listing codes, reasons and possible actions to take
CodeReasonPossible action
100Transaction successful.None required.
101Declined - The request is missing one or more fields.Check the reply fields to determine which required fields are missing, then resend the request with the correct information.
102Declined - One or more fields in the request contains invalid data.Review reply fields to determine which fields are invalid, then resend the request with the correct information. 
104Declined - The reference code for this authorization request matches the reference code of another authorization request sent within the past 15 minutes.Resend the request with a unique merchantReferenceCode value. 
105The merchant transaction identifier (MTI) sent with this request has already been used in the last 60 days. You cannot reuse the same MTI within this period.Resend the request with a new unique merchant transaction identifier.
110Partial amount approved.To avoid duplicating the transaction, do not resend the request until you have reviewed the transaction status in Merchant Services online banking.
150Error - General system failure.A system error occurred.
151Error - Request received but server timed out. This error does not include timeouts between the client and server.To avoid duplicating the transaction, do not resend the request until you have reviewed the transaction status in Merchant Services online banking.
152Error - Request received but service did not finish running in time.To avoid duplicating the transaction, do not resend the request until you have reviewed the transaction status in Merchant Services online banking.
200Soft decline - The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by Bank of America because it did not pass the Address Verification System (AVS) check.The billing address provided by the customer does not match the cardholder address on file with the issuing bank. As a soft decline, you decide whether to settle or reject the transaction the authorization after reviewing for fraud.
201Decline - The issuing bank has questions about the request. Request a different form of payment.
202Decline - Expired card or expiration merchant provided does not match the date the issuing bank has on file.Request a different form of payment.
203Decline - General decline of the card. No other information provided by issuing bank.Request a different form of payment.
204Decline - Insufficient funds in the account.Request a different form of payment.
205Decline - Stolen or lost card.Review this transaction manually to ensure that you submitted the correct information.
207Decline - Issuing bank unavailable.Wait a few minutes and resend the request.
208Decline - Inactive card or card not authorized for card not present transactions.Request a different form of payment.
209Decline - Card verification number did not match.Request a different form of payment.
210Decline - The card has reached the credit limit. Request a different form of payment.
211Decline - Invalid Card Verification Number (CVN).Request a different form of payment.
220Decline - Generic decline.Request a different form of payment.
221Decline - The customer matched an entry on the Bank of America's negative file.Review the order and contact Bank of America.
222Decline - The customer's account is frozen.Review the order or request a different form of payment.
230Soft decline - The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by Bank of America because it did not pass the Card Verification Number (CVN) check.Capture the authorization but consider reviewing the order for the possibility of fraud.
231Decline - Invalid account number.Request a different card or other form of payment.
232Decline - Not an accepted card type.Confirm account is set up to receive the card in question.
233Decline - General decline by the processor.Request a different form of payment.
234Decline - There is a problem with your merchant configuration.Do not resend the request. Contact Customer Support to correct the information in your account.
235Decline - The requested amount exceeds the originally authorized amount.Issue a new authorization and capture request for the new amount.
236Decline - Processor failure.Wait a few minutes and resend the request.
237Decline - The authorization has already been reversed.No action required.
238Decline - The transaction has already been settled.No action required.
239Decline - the requested transaction amount must match the previous transaction amount.Correct the amount and resend the request.
240Decline - The card type sent is invalid or does not correlate with the credit card number.Confirm that the card type correlates with the card number specified in the request, then resend the request.
241Decline - The referenced request ID is invalid for all follow-on transactions.No action required.
251Decline - hold the card and call the card issuer number on the back.The card has been reported lost by the cardholder and the card issuing bank has requested that the merchant keep the presented card and call the number on the back of the card to report it.
256Decline - refund limit exceededThe refund amount should not be greater than the original sale amount.
475The cardholder is enrolled for payer authentication.Authenticate cardholder before proceeding.
476Payer authentication failed.Authenticate the cardholder before continuing with the transaction.
480The order is marked for review by Fraud Management.Depending on your permissions, you can accept/reject/settle the order, void/reverse the authorization, or take no action. If you take no action, the order will be rejected after 30 days. Review your Fraud Management rule configuration.
481The order has been rejected by Fraud Management.Review the Transaction Detail page to determine the reason for the reject and review your Fraud Management rule configuration. To avoid duplicating the rejection, do not resend the order until the rejection has been resolved.
520Soft Decline - The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined based on your Decision Manager settings.Review the authorization request.
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