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Back Office Non-Sales Revenue Report

January 29, 2024


How to track non-sales items by category in the Back Office

What's in this article?

The Non-Sales Revenue report enables you to track non-sales item activity by category.  A non-revenue item is something you sell or charge for in store that is not included in your Net Sales. Non-revenue items are typically tax-free items such as charity donations or delivery charges that you need to sell while keeping the revenue out of your net sales.


To run the Non-Sales Revenue report

  1. In the Back Office, select Results tab.
  2. Select the Reports subtab.
  3. In the left navigation, select Non-Sales Revenue.
  4. Select a date for the report.
  5. (For Retail Solution only) Click Show Components to include components on the report. 
  6. (For Retail Solution only) Click Show Subcategories to include subcategories on the report.
  7. Click Show Variations to include variations in the reporting.
  8. Click Refresh.

The report shows you:

  • Non-revenue items by category name, item name, variation, vendor, current price, average price, sold quantity, weight quantity, amount, cost, margin and the total of sales. 
  • For Retail Solution, the report can also include kit components and subcategories.
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