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Back Office Price Overrides Report

March 11, 2024


How to run the Price Overrides report in the Back Office

What's in this article?

The Price Overrides report provides information about price overrides made at the point of sale such as override reason, employee, item level, override amount. Monitoring this report will help store owners prevent possible abuse of this functionality.


To run the Price Overrides report

  1. In the Back Office, select Results tab.
  2. Select the Reports subtab.
  3. In the left navigation, select Price Overrides.
  4. Select Filter by > All Employees (default) or select an employee.
  5. (Optional) Select whether you want to show item detail.
  6. Select your date range.
  7. Click refresh. 

This report shows you:

Table of price override report fields and descriptions
Override ReasonReason for the override.
Employee NameEmployee that performed the override.
Sales Qty. (Items)Number of items with override. 
Pre-Override Price TotalThe price of the items before the override. If more than one item, total price reflects all items.
Override TotalTotal amount of the override.
Actual Sales TotalThe sales amount after the override.
Override PercentThe percentage of the override to the total sale. A negative number means that the override price was higher than the item's listed price.

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