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Back Office Departments

January 16, 2024


How to add, edit, or delete departments in the Back Office

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Departments organize your item categories. For example, when viewing reports, you may want to evaluate your store according to departments, such as Food, Beverage, and Alcohol, rather than by categories such as, Sandwiches and Soups.

The Department Sales report includes an option for you to display the corresponding categories for each department on the report.

To add a department
  1. In the Back Office, select the Menu or Inventory tab (depending on your business type).
  2. Select the Departments subtab.
  3. Click Add a Department.

    Back Office Departments with Add a Department selected
  4. Create a new Department Name.

    Add a Department dialog
  5. (Restaurant or Retail Solution) Assign a tag to the department. Tags group similar departments, categories or items.
  6. Assign categories to the department.

    Add a department dialog with category selection highlighted
  7. Click Save.
To edit or delete a department
  1. In the Back Office, select the Menu or Inventory tab (depending on your business type).
  2. Select the Departments subtab.
  3. Click on the pencil icon next to the affected Department. 
  4. Rename, edit or remove the Department.
  5. Click Save.

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