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Virtual Terminal Level II Card Transactions

February 18, 2025


Overview of Level II cards and option to use Virtual Terminal to enter Level II card data

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Level II cards, which are also called Type II cards, provide customers with additional information on their credit card statements about their purchases. Level II cards enable customers to easily track the amount of sales tax they pay and to reconcile transactions with a unique customer code.

There are two categories of Level II cards: 

  • Business/corporate cards are given by businesses to employees for business-related expenses such as travel and entertainment or for corporate supplies and services. 
  • Purchase/procurement cards are used by businesses for expenses such as supplies and services. These cards are often used as replacements for purchase orders.

Virtual terminal will not identify which card transactions require the additional data that needs to be entered. If accepting a Level II card, you will need to enter Level II data in order for the transactions to qualify for the best interchange rates for Purchasing and Business cards (Corporate and Commercial). 

  • Commercial Card Level II rates will apply to transactions where the data has been entered correctly, other interchange implications still apply. 
  • Transactions that do not have the Level II additional data will qualify for Visa basic rates such as Retail and CNP and MasterCard will assign Data Rate 1. Your business will be impacted by Interchange downgrades if you opted for Interchange Plus pricing. There is no impact to your pricing if you are using Simplified pricing.

Level II fields

Table of level 2 fields and definitions
TaxThe sales tax amount of the transaction. This amount is included in the total amount of the transaction processed.
Tax ExemptIf the transaction is sales tax exempt, this box should be checked and no tax amount would be entered.
DutyTotal charges for any import or export duties included in the total transaction amount. 
Purchase Order NumberUnique reference ID for the transaction.
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