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Online Ordering Site Navigation

January 31, 2024


How to add or remove categories for your Online Ordering website

What's in this article?

Online Ordering categories help your customers navigate your online ordering store. These categories are separate from the POS categories.

Online Ordering category

Categories that you create will become the navigation categories on your website. Categories group items to make them easier to find. Categories do not display on your site until they are active.

To add an Online Ordering category
  1. In Back Office, select the Online Order tab.
  2. In the left navigation, select Site Navigation.
  3. Click Add Category
  4. Enter the item information:
    table listing fields and their descriptions
    TitleThe category name to display on your website. This field is required.
    Full titleA more descriptive title for the category.
    ActiveIndicate whether the category is active. Use this option to activate/inactivate groups of items. 
    ImageMinimum image size is 600 x 600 pixels.
    Category AssignmentIndicate whether the category displays at the top level or is a subcategory.
    Search Engine ContentYou can enter a Meta Title, Meta Keywords, and Meta Description (metadata) that will help your Online Ordering website appear on search engines like Google. This information does not appear on your Online Ordering website.
  5. Click Add to create the category.

Remove an Online Ordering category

To remove categories from your Online Ordering site, you will need to deactivate the category and then delete.

To remove a category
  1. In Back Office, select the Online Order tab.
  2. In the left navigation, select Site Navigation.
  3. Select the category you want to delete.
  4. Clear the Active checkbox.
  5. Click Update.
  6. Select the category again. 
  7. Click Delete.
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