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Back Office Labor Shifts Report in Restaurant Solution

January 11, 2024


How to run the Labor Shifts report in the Back Office of Restaurant Solution

What's in this article?

Labor Shifts enables you to review the times your employees’ clock in and clock out on the POS app and the total hours worked for a shift and a time period. By default, the report includes all employees; however, you can filter the report to only display a specific employee. You can also select Hide Punches to hide the Clock In section of the report.

To run the Labor Shifts report

  1. In the Back Office, select the Results tab. 
  2. Select the Reports subtab.
  3. From the left navigation, select Labor Shifts. The system generates a report for all employees.
  4. (Optional) Select an employee from the dropdown list to filter the report.
  5. (Optional) Click Hide Punches to only show a summary of hours worked for each employee, rather than each clock in and clock out for the selected time period.

    Labor shifts screen with Hide Punches button highlighted
  6. Click the refresh report icon.

    Labor shifts screen showing the generated report example

This report shows:

table listing report fields and their descriptions
Business Name/Address headerHeader includes: the name and address of the store, the selected time period for the report, and the name of the report. 
EmployeeThe name of the employee.
Clock InThe Clock In section includes:
· The job code for which the employee clocked in for the shift. 
· The time the employee clocked in. 
· The time the employee clocked out. 
· The total hours worked for the shift. 
PayThe Pay section includes:
· The total pay earned by the employee. The system calculates the total pay by multiplying the hourly rate of employee by the hours worked for the shift. 
· The total amount of credit card tips declared by the employee. 
TotalThe total number of hours worked, pay earned, and tips declared for each employee.
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