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Point of Sale App Item Favorites List

May 7, 2024


How to add an item to the Favorites list in the Point of Sale app

What's in this article?

You may want to add your regularly sold items to a special favorites category. Favorites are marked with a star, and the favorites category automatically displays at the start of every ticket. You can simply tap an item in the favorite category to add them to a ticket.

Favorite items vary by device; you must add items to the favorites list on each of your POS devices.

To add items to Favorites
  • In the Point of Sale app, search for an item by using the Search icon in the upper right corner.
  • Tap on the item.
  • Tap Item Detail tab. 
  • Tap Add to Favorites.
  • Return to the ticket screen and verify it has been added to the Favorites category.
To drag an item to Favorites
  1. Tap and hold an item on the POS until it "shakes".
  2. Drag it to the Favorites category. (You can only drag items into the Favorites category. You can't drag items into any other category.)

This process will not work for multi-store customers. 

To add from Item lookup
  1. From the Point of Sale app slide-out menu ☰,  tap Items.
  2. Search for the desired item.
  3. Once the item populates, tap Add to Favorites.
To add a Favorites item to a ticket
  1. Tap on the item in your ticket.
  2. Tap the Item Detail tab.
  3. Tap Add to Favorites

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