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Point of Sale App Receipts

August 30, 2024


How to use receipt options in the Point of Sale app to allow customers to print, email, or opt out of receiving the receipt

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The Store Information that you entered when setting up your account appears on both emailed and printed receipts. When your customers receive a receipt for their transaction, you want to be sure they have all of your correct contact information. Although you cannot opt out of offering a receipt, the customer can choose to decline it. Refer to Back Office Store and Receipt Information for more details on how to update and store receipt information. 

Receipt options when using a terminal without a customer display (A920/E700)

If using a device without a customer-facing display, when you complete a sale, the Receipt window appears.

 From the Receipt window, you can tap one of the following options:

  • Email Receipt if you want to email the receipt to the customer
  • Print Receipt if you want to print the receipt by itself
  • Print and Email Receipt to do both
  • Gift Receipt if you want to print a receipt that does not show any item prices (turn this option on under POS Settings)
  • No Receipt.

If you enabled signature capture on paper, the merchant copy will print first and the second receipt is the customer copy. The customer will sign the merchant copy. 

Receipt options when using a customer facing display terminal (A920/E800)

If you are using a device with a customer-facing display, the Print Receipt, Email Receipt and No Receipt options will be shown on the customer facing display in order for the customer to make their own selection. 

If you want to decrease checkout time, you can turn on the Quick Checkout option under POS Settings > Checkout Options. This will bypass the receipt screen, allowing you to move on to your next customer more quickly. You can use this feature in conjunction with the Print Receipt option, which will automatically print a receipt every time without having to make a receipt selection.

If you enabled signature capture on paper, the merchant copy will print first and the second receipt is the customer copy. The customer will sign the merchant copy. 

Email capture when customer is not assigned to the sale

If you have not assigned a customer to the sale, when you present the payment terminal to the customer for his or her signature, the customer can:

  • Tap Enter Email Address, and then type the email address to which the receipt should be sent.
  • Specify whether to receive email marketing messages by tapping the Opt Out of Marketing option.

If the customer specifies an email address that is associated with an existing customer record, that customer will be assigned to the sale automatically. If the email address the customer specifies is not associated with an existing customer record, the system will create a new customer record for the customer automatically.

Email capture when customer is assigned to sale

If you have already assigned a customer to the sale, the signature capture screen displays the email address you have on file for the customer. The customer can:

  • Tap the existing email address and change it, if necessary.
  • Tap Email Receipt to receive an emailed receipt.

If the customer changes their email address, the system will update the customer record automatically.

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