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Back Office Hourly Sales Report in Restaurant Solution

May 3, 2024


How to run the Hourly Sales Report in the Back Office for Restaurant Solution

What's in this article?

The Hourly Sales report provides you with a breakdown of your sales by hour and enables you to look for sales trends. You can also filter the report by specific days of the week.

To run the Hourly Sales report

  1. In the Back Office, select the ResultsĀ tab.
  2. From the Sales Report section in the left navigation, select Hourly Sales.
  3. To refine your search, select a date, date range or specific day of the week.
  4. Click the refresh icon to refresh the report data.
    Hourly Sales screen

This report shows:

table listing fields and their descriptions
Start HourThe beginning hour for the sales calculations.
Transaction QuantityThe number of transactions for the hour.
Guest CountThe total number of guests for the hour.
Refunded QuantityThe total number of refund transactions for the hour.
Refunded AmountThe total amount refunded for the hour.
Item Sales QuantityThe total amount of items sold during the hour.
Net Sales AmountThe total net sales for the hour.
Average Ticket TimeThe average time a ticket took to complete.
Average Kitchen TimeThe average time a kitchen order took to complete.
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