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Restaurant Point of Sale App Orders in Table Service or Quick Service Mode

July 29, 2024


How to ring up a Table Service (dine in or tab) or Quick Service (takeout, delivery, drive thru, dine in or catering) order in the Restaurant Point of Sale App

What's in this article?

The Restaurant Point of Sale offers two order taking modes: Table Service mode when taking orders at the table or creating a tab, Quick Service mode mode for drive thru, takeout, and other quick service options. 

pos main screen with mode callouts

Table Service (Dine In) mode

Table Service mode has three options: taking a table order, taking a tab order, and using the Quick Mode option, which allows you to take an order without assigning it to a tab or table. Table Service mode is accessed by selecting the Point of Sale button on the main screen. 

To take an order in Table mode
  1. From the Point of Sale app screen, tap Point of Sale. 

    Select point of sale

  2. If Table mode is not active and you see the Tabs screen, tap the slide-out menu and tap Tables.

    select tables from the menu
  3. To start an order in tables mode, tap the guest's table on the floor plan. When you start an order for a table, it will turn blue to indicate that you own it.

    tap a table
  4. The order entry screen appears with a new open guest check, ready to enter items for the first seat. Tap a seat and then add items, selecting from the categories and items on the right.  
    • As you add items ordered to each seat, they will appear on the left side of the screen. 
    • You can also add an item for the entire table to share and the cost will be split by all of the seats. 
    • You can add additional seats to a table, such as when a party of five is seated at a four-top table and you need to add a seat for the fifth guest. Tap the table, then tap + to add a seat.

      select items and categories for the order
  5. (Optional) Tap Send to send the order to the kitchen printer. The kitchen chit will print.
  6. If the table isn't ready to pay yet, tap the Back arrow on the top left to save the order. 

    tap the back button to save the order
  7. To return to a saved order, from the order mode screen tap the active order. 

    tap the order to return to the order entry
  8. When ready to close the order, tap Pay to print the receipt and take the payment. 
To take an order in Tab mode
  1. From the Point of Sale app screen, tap Point of Sale. 

    Select point of sale

  2. If Tab mode is not active and you see the Tables screen, tap the slide-out menu and tap Tabs.

    tap Tabs in the menu
  3. Tap Add Tab to start a tab order.

    enter items for the order
  4. Use the Categories and items buttons on the right to add items to the order. If prompted, enter the modifiers for the item selected.
  5. (Optional) Tap Send to send the order to the Kitchen.
  6. Create an order name  or leave the system created order number. You can also choose a customer to assign to the order (link to customers).

    name for order
  7. Tap the Back arrow to save the order.  The order will be listed on the Tabs screen to return to if the customer adds additional items to their tab.
  8. (Optional) If configured in your Back Office  to save a credit card to an order, you may take a credit card to hold the tab open. Tap Hold Card, then follow the prompts to run the card and enter a pre-authorized amount. You can pre-authorize a card up to $100.
  9. When ready to close the order, tap Pay to print the receipt and  take the payment.
To take an order in Quick Mode

Quick Mode allows you to take an order without creating a new table or tab. It is similar to the Quick Service order mode options, but accessed through the Point of Sale option on the main screen. 

  1. Tap Point of Sale on your POS.

    Select point of sale
  2. Tap the Quick Mode button located at the top center of the POS screen to view the Order Entry screen.

    quick mode option
  3. Use the categories and items buttons to add items to the order.

    Item buttons on the Order Entry screen
  4. To send items to the kitchen printer, tap Send. The kitchen chit will print on the kitchen printer.
  5. When ready to close the order, tap Pay to take the payment.

Quick Service (Phone/Drive Thru) order mode

Quick Service order modes are additional order types that may be available depending on how your Back Office is configured.

Enable additional order modes in Back Office. Access Settings > Store > Store Options, select the order mode you wish to enable, and click Save. You can configure additional charges associated with the order type if needed. Access the Phone/Drive Thru home screen on the device by tapping Phone/Drive Thru at the POS home screen. It is necessary to activate a financial shift prior to accessing the Phone/Drive Thru home screen.

To take a Quick Service (takeout, drive thru, delivery dine in or catering order)

Depending on the quick service order mode, a customer name and phone number or address. You will be prompted to enter a target time for the order, which is the time the order will be ready for pickup or for a driver to leave the store with the items. The app does not calculate a promise time. 

  1. From the home screen, select the Phone/Drive Thru button.

    phone or drive thru option on main screen
  2. Select a new order button from the right side of the screen. The options that display are configured for your business in Back Office and might differ from what is shown below.
    features and functions of the quick service mode
    Navigation optionsReturn to the previous screen, open the slide out menu, or log out of the app.
    Open ordersView a list of open orders for the specified order mode, the number of open orders is indicated in parentheses. 
    Search fieldEnter a customer name or phone number to search for an existing takeout or delivery order.
    Order target timeIndicates the promise time for the order.
    New order buttonsInitiate a new order. Available order types are configurable in the Back Office.
    Pending online ordersReview online orders which have not yet downloaded to the takeout or delivery queue.
  3. Name the order by entering a name for the order in Order Name or add the customer to the order by selecting the customer from your customer list.  Depending on the type of Quick Service order, customer information such as a phone number or address may be required. You can add a new customer by tapping New Customer and entering the customer's name and phone or email information. Tap Save.

    name the order
  4. Tap the items to include on the order. If the item is a weighed item, a popup will display. 
    To add a weighed item
    1. Select the item as usual from the items listed on the right of the screen. If it is a weighed item, the quantity popup appears showing 0.00.
    2. Place the item on the scale to obtain the weight.
    3. Tap Done to capture the weighed amount. 

      NOTE: If you need to re-weigh the item, remove the item from the check, select it again and reweigh. You can also manually enter a weight be tapping Manual and entering the weight of the item.

    To group items on a ticket
    1. Swipe an item on the ticket from right to left. 
    2. Tap Group. Items that meet the grouping criteria will be consolidated on the guest check.
  5. Tap Pay. The Order Target Time screen appears. Phone orders require a target time.

    order target time
  6. Scroll to select the targeted delivery time or use - and + buttons.
  7. Tap Done.
  8. When ready to close the order, tap Pay to take the payment.
To search for a Quick Service order

Search for a customer order when you need to close the order, to apply a payment to an order, or when a customer wants to modify an open order. You can also tap Takeout or Delivery to view a list of open orders for the selected order mode.

  1. At the Phone/Drive Thru home screen, tap one of the open order type tabs.
  2. Tap the search field.
  3. Enter a customer name or phone number. The matching results appear.
  4. Tap the desired customer in the search results field. The order entry screen appears.
To change an order target time

In some instances, you may need to adjust the order target time for an open order.

  1. From the home screen, select the Phone/Drive Thru button.

    phone or drive thru option on main screen
  2. At the Phone/ Drive Thru home screen, tap the desired new order button on the right of the screen.

    takeout deliver and dine in mode
  3. Search for the customer order.
  4. In the search results, tap the time next to the customer name. The Order Target Time screen appears.
  5. Scroll to select the hours, minutes, and time period, or use - and + to select a target time for order completion or delivery.

    order target time
  6. Tap Done.

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