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Back Office SKU/PLU Items for Retail Solution

August 27, 2024


How to configure items with a Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) or Price Lookup Code (PLU) in the Retail Solution

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SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) and PLU (Price Look-Up code) numbers are used to sell items on the payment terminal without scanning the item. Often they are used because many items are not easy to put on a barcode such as alcoholic drinks at a bar, fruit, vegetables, cardboard sheets, and so on. 

  • SKU: You can assign SKU number(s) to an item. You typically associate a SKU number with an item for inventory purposes. Additional entries allow you to assign more than one SKU number to an item. The SKU number must be unique across all records. You can customize your SKU numbers so that you can quickly tell specific information about a product by looking at the number. You can enter a maximum of 20 characters for SKU.
  • PLU: You can assign PLU for an item. This enables you to enter an item into the inventory based on the external ID number of the item. You can enter a maximum of five characters for PLU. Use the PLU when an item is in the system, but not available on the screen or is only available on certain days. You might compare this feature to how older grocery stores operate. Never randomly enter a number.

You can add a SKU or PLU during the item setup process. The Items report provides a report of all items that have a SKU or PLU.

To add a SKU or PLU to an inventory item

  1. In the Back Office, select the Inventory tab.
  2. Select the Categories & Items subtab.
  3. Click Add Item. The Extended Item Setup screen displays. 
  4. In the General Information group, enter the SKU for an item (up to 20 characters) and/or enter a PLU number (up to 5 characters).
  5. Complete the item creation and click Save
  6. Synchronize the data between the Point of Sale app and the Back Office. 

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